The Flash Photos from "Revenge of the Rogues"

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"Revenge of the Rogues" is the title of The Flash Season 1 Episode 10.

1. Ducking for Cover - The Flash Season 1 Episode 10

The Flash is ducking for cover behind some R2D2 type of apparatus.

2. On the Run - The Flash Season 1 Episode 10

The Flash is on the run and on the way to save the day!

3. Eddie at Work - The Flash Season 1 Episode 10

Eddie Thawne is on the case in Revenge of the Rogues.

4. Pull Me Up - The Flash Season 1 Episode 10

A cool behind the scenes shot filming "Revenge of the Rogues."

5. Hey, That Burns - The Flash

Another behind the scenes shot showing a car fire.

6. I'm Here! - The Flash

Captain Cold makes his entrance. He's a campy fellow!

7. There's Gonna Be A - The Flash

Heat Wave! There's gonna be a heat wave! No, really!

8. How's This Work? - The Flash

Heat Wave is getting ready to turn up the temperature.

9. On the March - The Flash

Eddie and Joe are with the other detectives and their special shields.

10. Seriously? - The Flash

Joe looks absolutely shocked, but he should remain behind the shield!

11. Shields Down - The Flash

Two well-dressed detectives have dropped their shields.

12. Don't Make Me Look! - The Flash

Detective Joe West is not fond of the heat. Or the cold.

13. It's Gonna Work - The Flash

Just you wait and see, this will shoot flames, I tell ya!

14. Mine's Cold! - The Flash

Wait, mine's gonna shoot out ice! Just wait and see. So cool!

15. Aviator - The Flash Season 1 Episode 10

He's wearing aviator glasses, get it? See the plane?

16. Tee Hee - The Flash Season 1 Episode 10

If it doesn't look like Captain Cold is giggling, hit me.

17. Growwwwl! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 10

Heat Wave lets out his greatest roar. It helps with the heat.

18. Bros - The Flash Season 1 Episode 10

A true bromance if ever there was one. These two are killin' it!

19. School Photo - The Flash Season 1 Episode 10

This is a classic school photo of the bad boys of your school.

20. Scarred - The Flash Season 1 Episode 10

Whoops. It looks like The Flash suit has been melted a bit.

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost