The Flash Photos from "Power Outage"

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Enjoy the photos from "Power Outage," The Flash Season 1 Episode 7.

1. The Clock King Visits Central City - The Flash

Felicity took a bullet fighting this man as she tried to protect Sara on Arrow.

2. Talking It Over - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

Joe talks things over with his captain at the station.

3. Nothing to See Here! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

Joe reacts when he realizes they're being held hostage.

4. Shut Up Detective - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

Tockman, better known as the Clock King, points at Joe.

5. Selfie! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

Is Tochman taking a selfie of himself holding hostages?

6. Wests Held Hostage - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

Joe and Iris find themselves in a situation very similar to one Laurel was in during Arrow Season 2!

7. Eddie to the Rescue - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

Eddie comes in, gun blazing. Will he save the day?

8. Chatting with Hostages - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

Let's bet Iris is saying the red streak will come save her... or is he The Flash now?

9. In the Field - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

Barry and Joe are in the field on a case, perhaps?

10. Getting Evidence - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

Barry is collecting evidence for a case with Joe West.

11. Can We Talk - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

What do you think they're talking about? Telling Iris the truth??

12. On the Hunt - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

The Flash is out hunting for someone. Who will he find?

13. Close Up - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

This is just another picture of The Flash in costume.

14. What?! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

The Flash team looks frightened. Who is it? Who's there?

15. Hello Farooq - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

Farooq AKA Blackout sucks the electricity out of everything.

16. Huddled Mass - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

Blackout is scaring the Flash team. What's he doing?

17. Blackout - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

This is a nice closeup of guest star Michael Reventar as Farooq AKA Blackout.

18. Boogity Boo! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

It looks like Blackout is trying to scare Harrison and Barry, but I bet that's not what he's doing.

19. Thriller! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

Get the music pumping and start dancing to Thriller, Barry!

20. Beat It - The Flash Season 1 Episode 7

Maybe they're having a show-down a la Michael Jackson's Beat It. I'm feelin' it!

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost