The Flash Photos from "Plastique"

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The Flash Season 1 Episode 5 is titled "Plastique" and we have photos for you!

1. Friends - The Flash

Barry noted in "Going Rogue" that the lightning got him friends.

2. Clancy Brown as General Eiling - The Flash Season 1 Episode 5

Clancy Brown guest stars as General Eiling, an Army General working on super soldiers in Central City.

3. I Got It! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 5

Barry takes a call while Cisco looks on. The Army is in town!

4. It's All Coming Back - The Flash Season 1 Episode 5

Am I going out of my mind or is Caitlin holding a boomerang?

5. Drinking Buddies - The Flash Season 1 Episode 5

How cute does Barry look snuggled up to Cisco now that he knows they're all still friends?!

6. Cheers! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 5

Iris toasts Barry and his new friends. How much does she know about them?

7. Good Looking Superhero - The Flash Season 1 Episode 5

This is a nice portrait of Grant Gustin as Barry Allen.

8. Happy Couple - The Flash Season 1 Episode 5

Eddie and Iris seem to be enjoying a good time together.

9. Barry Allen is The Flash Season 1 Episode 5

Barry is looking mighty fine in his flame retardant suit!

10. The Flash in Full Costume Season 1 Episode 5

Another great shot of The Flash in his full costume!

11. A Red Steak Sighting - The Flash Season 1 Episode 5

Is Iris getting her first full look at the red streak?

12. Outside Jitters - The Flash Season 1 Episode 5

It seems The Flash is standing still outside of his favorite coffee house.

13. Lovely Iris - The Flash Season 1 Episode 5

Iris looks lovely in this portrait. She has no idea what's coming next!

14. Unexpected Visitor - The Flash Season 1 Episode 5

Iris is about to get a visit from the fastest man alive.

15. Guess Who! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 5

Would you be able to see through his disguise? He's not even wearing a hood!

16. Bright Light - The Flash Season 1 Episode 5

Perhaps the glare from this beaming light will keep Iris in the dark.

17. Bette and Barry - The Flash Season 1 Episode 5

Here's our first look at the woman who will become Plastique!

18. Kelly Frye as Bette - The Flash Season 1 Episode 5

What do you think? Will Kelly Frye do as our Plastique?

19. The Flash to the Rescue Season 1 Episode 5

The Flash is rescuing Bette. From one of her own touch explosions?

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost