The Flash Photos from "Flash vs. Arrow"

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"Flash vs. Arrow" is the title of The Flash Season 1 Episode 8 and we have photos!

1. Together Again - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

Are The Flash and Arrow back on speaking terms here?

2. Hey Joe! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

Joe West looks awfully handsome in this photo from "Flash vs. Arrow."

3. Felicity at STAR Labs - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

Felicity strolls in front of The Flash Team control desk.

4. Attention! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

Someone is grabbing the attention of Caitlin, Harrison and their guest, Felicity.

5. Interesting - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

Harrison Wells seems interested in what's going on.

6. Caitlin Shines - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

Is Caitlin shining because she finally has another girl in STAR Labs again?

7. Felicity and Harrison Chat - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

Felicity chats with Harrison during her time in The Flash command center at STAR Labs.

8. Barry and Oliver - The Flash

Barry and Oliver will find their alliance tested during "Flash vs. Arrow."

9. Aiming at Barry - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

We're wondering why is Oliver aiming his arrow at Barry.

10. Got It! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

Barry easily catches the arrow shot from Oliver's bow.

11. Shot in the Back - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

Were they clowning around? How did the fastest man alive get shot in the back by Oliver?

12. Face to Face - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

This conversation must be intense as they're in each other's personal space.

13. Boomerang - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

Oliver is in town with his team tracking down a villain who uses a boomerang.

14. What?! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

Felicity is in a heated discussion with Diggle. Over what?

15. Big Belly Burger Break - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

Sure, Felicity is holding the boomerang, but not until after she's eaten a hearty meal from Big Belly Burger!

16. Who's Fighting Who? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

Joe and a pal are up against other SWAT members? What's going on?

17. On the Ground - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

Barry spends so much time on the ground. Joe's decided to join him.

18. The Flash vs. Season 1 Episode 8

Who is The Flash facing down? You know who it is.

19. He's Been Flashed - The Flash Season 1 Episode 8

Oliver is holding his hood on. I'm betting he's been flashed!

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost