The Flash Photos from "Crazy For You"

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"Crazy For You" is the title of The Flash Season 1 Episode 12 and we have photos!

1. Meet the Competition - The Flash Season 1 Episode 12

Barry has a date! Will it spark a little jealousy in Iris?

2. First Love - The Flash Season 1 Episode 12

Barry's first love is suddenly cast aside for a new woman.

3. Eligible - The Flash Season 1 Episode 12

Barry is a handsome, intelligent and eligible man.

4. Hey Stranger - The Flash Season 1 Episode 12

Iris runs into The Flash. Will this be her first big byline?

5. Hello Iris - The Flash Season 1 Episode 12

The Flash and Iris come face to face for the first time since they fell out.

6. Very Interesting - The Flash Season 1 Episode 12

Is Iris sharing news of her latest encounter with The Flash?

7. The Personal Touch - The Flash Season 1 Episode 12

Is Iris claiming her territory with a little personal touch?

8. Why So Blue? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 12

The Flash looks kind of swell with the blue light cast upon him.

9. Terror Ahead - The Flash Season 1 Episode 12

Things aren't looking so good when a car is upturned!

10. A New Meta - The Flash Season 1 Episode 12

Shawna (guest star Britne Oldford) is a metahuman with teleportation powers.

11. Shawna and Her Man - The Flash Season 1 Episode 12

Shawna broke her man, Clay, out of Iron Heights. Bad girl!

12. Gunslingers - The Flash Season 1 Episode 12

Don't they look like they're about to draw weapons?

13. Lonely Tunnel - The Flash Season 1 Episode 12

The Flash suddenly finds himself alone. That's what happens when battling a meta with teleportation skills.

14. Flash Eyes - The Flash Season 1 Episode 12

The Flash turns on his wicked Flash eyes. That'll get 'em every time!

15. Boo! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 12

Shawna looks worn out as The Flash appears to scare her into giving up.

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost