The Flash Photos from "All Star Team Up"

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"All Star Team Up" is the title of The Flash Season 1 Episode 18 and we have photos!

1. Just Flying In - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Who is in the sky coming down? It's ATOM? Or Ray Palmer to you and me.

2. The ATOM Has Landed - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

ATOM has landed! It's strange that he and Felicity took different transportation

3. Hi! I'm Ray! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Ray arrives in all his dorky glory, fully suited up and exhilarated.

4. Fifth Wheel - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Barry is a fifth wheel at a couple dinner. That's not awkward.

5. Dinner Guests - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

The dinner guests are nothing is not radiant as a couple.

6. Beaming - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Eddie is just beaming, and he has a right to be, as he's no longer out of the loop.

7. Looking Uncomfortable - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Barry is the odd man out at the dinner and he looks the part.

8. Romance in the Air - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Ray takes Felicity's hand at the dinner they share with their friends in Central City.

9. Is Everything OK? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Things don't necessarily look great between this couple

10. Enjoying Conversation - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Iris appears to be enjoying the dinner conversation.

11. Shocked at the Departure - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Are they shocked at the departure of Iris and Eddie?

12. Saving a Life - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Is Joe administering life saving measures to Barry?

13. Emily Kinney as Brie Larvin - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Emily Kinney will put Felicity through her paces as Brie Larvin.

14. I'm The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Barry strikes an awesome pose in the light as The Flash.

15. Listening - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

It's hard to believe he's doing anything other thank listening with this awesome shot of his ear!

16. Portrait - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

A nice portrait shot of Barry Allen as The Flash!

17. On the Hunt - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Joe and Eddie are on the hunt...but for whom or what?

18. Uncertain - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Eddie looks uncertain about who he has run into in this shot.

19. Meeting with McGee - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Everyone pays Dr. Tina McGee a visit. What are they looking for?

20. Dr. Tina McGee - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Amanda Pays will be back as Dr. Tina McGee in this installment.

21. Together Again - The Flash Season 1 Episode 18

Barry is side by side with his new enemy, Harrison Eobard Thawne Wells.

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost