The Flash at Midseason: Worst New Character, Most Welcome Return & More!

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Have you been enjoying The Flash Season 2 so far?

We're taking a look at some of the bigger moments to see where we are at midseason.

It's been very enjoyable, and we're expecting the biggest material is still to come. 

If you need to catch up before the series' return, you can watch The Flash online any time!

1. Most Surprisingly Touching Moment

The Flash Season 2 Episode 1 was full of surprises, but one of the greatest was learning Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne left to Barry Allen STAR Labs AND confessed to murdering his mother so that Barry could have everything he thought would make him happy. It's just like Wells to do something so confusing, so that even in death we are left wondering if he's evil incarnate or just misunderstood. It kinda made us miss him all the more.

2. Character Acting Most Out of Charcter

When Henry Allen got released from prison, we expected him to want to get to know his son. Instead he hung up a "gone fishin'" sign and left Central City so his boy could be The Flash instead of Henry Allen's son. We cry foul on that, especially since we later learned Henry didn't even take a moment to catch up on family photos and take some along for the trip. It seemed really out of character for one of the best dads on TV.

3. Best New Character

Having two Flashes was already going to be a lot of fun, but Jay Garrick is actually a really great guy. He has personal insight on both Zoom and Harry Wells, as well as Earth 2, and he's providing valuable insight for Barry about being a Flash.

4. Worst New Character

Sorry, Barry, we know you have fallen for Patty Spivot, but some of us just...haven't. It would be far more interesting for us to get to know Iris better and follow her work at the Central City Picture News than it is suffering through another police officer's antics and artificial love story with you. She gets away with far more than any character of her ilk should.

5. Best Family Dynamics

Without a doubt, it's the West family. There were many opportunities for miscommuntion (or lack of communication) to become betwween the members of this family, but instead they listened, forgave and grew closer as a result of the trauma they experienced. If only every family on TV could be as well adjusted as the Wests. Joe is the patriarch after which all patriarchs should be modeled.

6. Most Ridiculous Use of Super Speed

You gotta admit that Barry drawing the photo of Vandal Savage was ridiculous, but it was also adorable. That Barry can do pretty much anything with his speed in record time makes The Flash light and cheerful, even when the chips are waaaay down.

7. Most Welcome Return

Thank GOD Tom Cavanagh returned in his capacity as Harry Wells from Earth 2! He's playing a completely different character, and introduced us to life on the other plane, as well. Cavanagh brings an element of wit and mystery to the show that is sorely missed when he isn't a part of it. There are layers of Harry we haven't even begun to peel away yet, and we can't wait to see what lies ahead.

8. Most Ridiculous Villain

Land Shark! OK, he's King Shark, but same difference. We didn't know he was King Shark the moment he stepped out! And he's ridiculously cheesy and oh so much fun. Again, these light hearted takes on bad guys make the series a laugh. It's impossible to take this shark seriously, even when you know Zoom sent him to kill The Flash. It was a good try and all, but...LAND SHARK!

9. Most Unlikely Scenario

Sorry, we don't believe for a nanosecond that Cisco sent detailed plans to Felicity for the Arrow Lair and she didn't follow them to the letter. They're both technical whiz kids. Under what circumstances would she have tossed asdide his recommendations? While it made for cute jabs thrown from Cisco to Felicity, it could have been just as cute for the two of them to be talking amongst themselves while everybody else was in the dark. Felicity doesn't make mistakes like that. For shame.

10. Biggest Display of Evil

Zoom is a bad guy. By humiliating The Flash in front of the entire town, he hoped to bring him down to levels from which he would never recover. It was a brilliant plan. What we are left wondering is whether Zoom is trying, much like Harrison Wells before him, to push Barry to extremes he doesn't even know he has on reserve. He's either trying to end Barry completely or push him ever higher. Tough call.

11. Best Pep Talk

Henry Allen ripped the gone fishin' sign off of his door made it home to talk some pep into his son after the Zoom fiasco. It was much needed and along with similar talks from Joe and Iris, Barry was able to push himself to overcome anything Zoom did and further than he's ever been before.

12. Sweetest Kiss

Sorry Barry and Patty, Jay and Caitlin had the sweetest kiss hands down. Not only did it take them a while to arrive there, but Cisco was on edge about it and wondering what was taking so long. His play by play made the journey half the fun. Plus: mistletoe!

13. Biggest Tease

Wally West appearing at the door for Christmas so that we had to wait forEVER to really meet him? No! So unfair. At least we can feel comfortable that he had a good time with his family and new friends. Who wouldn't have felt welcome in that house? Seeing Wally at the door was far more emotional than expected.

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

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