The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Midseason Report Card

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7. Biggest Disappointment

Penny and Leonard's wedding. Yes, it was kind of fitting that their friends watched it happen in a very geeky way, and yes, they had the perfect, most romantic vows imaginable for them as a couple. But we were cheated from seeing more of the ceremony. Time that was spent on Sheldon and Amy's breakup and musings by Stuart took away from something that should have had a lot more attention. The audience deserved more.

8. Best Way to Meet a Woman

With a puzzle, obviously. Sheldon decides to try getting over Amy and find a new girlfriend, so of course he takes that mission to the internet. With the help up of his friends, they come up with a puzzle that only the perfect mate for Sheldon would be able to solve. Unfortunately for the beautiful girl who showed up to meet Sheldon, she was a few minutes late in getting it solved.

9. Moment That Made Us Laugh Out Loud

Sheldon bursting into song while the guys were stranded on the side of the road trying to fix a flat tire was one of the most surprisingly funny moments of The Big Bang Theory Season 9 so far. The song? "We Will Rock You" as Raj and Howard tapped out a beat.

10. Best Couple

Howard and Bernadette may not have the perfect relationship, but they function incredibly well. Bernadette is Howard's perfect match for a lot of reasons, including the fact that she stands up to him when she needs to. Who knew that the most stable relationship on The Big Bang Theory would be the one that included Howard?

11. Nerdiest Thanksgiving Tradition

Sheldon loves spending Thanksgiving at the oddest of places: the aquarium. He enjoys going for special exhibits and a terrible buffet, and this year, Amy went along with him "as friends." It was clear from their adventure that they were meant to be, even though they were still broken up at the time.

12. MVP

Mayim Bialik as Amy Farrah Fowler. She's fabulous for so many reasons, and she has really had an opportunity to shine in The Big Bang Theory Season 9. From standing up for herself when she needed to most, to her character development, to her hilarious moments, she's definitely the MVP of this season so far.

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TBBT Quotes

Sheldon: I'll have a diet Coke.
Penny: Can you please order a cocktail? I need to practice mixing drinks.
Sheldon: Fine... I'll have a virgin Cuba Libre.
Penny: That's... rum and Coke without the rum.
Sheldon: Yes, and would you make it diet?

Oh, Bernadette, please play my clarinet.

Raj's poem