Supernatural Photos from "The Purge"

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It's time for "The Purge."

Sort through Supernatural photos now from this Season 9 episode and be sure to admire Sam's arms.

1. Pushing Himself Up

Sam does a push up in this scene from Supernatural. Why do we have a feeling that he could do quite a few of these?

2. Sam as a Trainer

Don't you all wish Sam could be your trainer? He's undercover here at a spa.

3. The Purge Scene

Pictured in this scene from Supernatural Season 9: Briana Buckmaster as Sheriff Donna Hanscum and Corey Sevier as Larry.

4. Sam on the Line

Hello? Sam takes a call in this Supernatural scene, from the episode "The Purge."

5. Brothers Undercover

The brothers are undercover in this scene from Supernatural. They are investigating a spa.

6. Murder of a Drag Queen

Baez and Danny investiage the murder of a popular drag queen on Blue Bloods. "Manhattan Queens" is the 14th episode of the show's fourth season.

7. Dean as a Chef

Dean may wanna stick to hunting. He isn't exactly pulling off the chef look in this Supernatural scene.

8. Sam at a Spa

Come on, people! Work it out! Sam takes charge in this scene from Supernatural.

9. Strong Sam

Sam is undercover in this Supernatural scene. He's at a spa because... you're just staring at his arm, aren't you? We understand.

10. Dean in a Hairnet

He's a look we never thought we'd see on Dean. The hunter is totally rocking a hairnet.

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Supernatural Quotes

I'll keep fighting. I'll keep swinging til I got nothing left.


Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.
