Supernatural Photos from "Reichenbach"

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These are photos from "Reichenbach," Supernatural Season 10 Episode 2

1. Crowley Talks to Dean - Supernatural

Crowley has information for Dean that Dean may not want.

2. Hmmmmm - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 2

Crowley looks contemplative in this photo from "Richenbach."

3. Listening Intently - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 2

Dean has to listen to Crowley with an open mind in order to deal with his "demons."

4. Continuing the Chat - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 2

Dean and Crowley are going to make a team. Who is excited?

5. Right. The Mark. - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 2

Why do I get the idea that Dean would rather deal with his demon than the Mark of Cain?

6. King Down! - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 2

Who tossed Crowley to the ground? He's the King of Hell!

7. Royal Scream - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 2

The King appears to make himself heard. To what result?

8. Time to Talk - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 2

Crowley is all business as he's approached by someone.

9. I'm Handsome - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 2

Dean always looks like there is a smug comment just waiting to come out. Well deserved, mind you.

10. Always Bloody - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 2

Is this Sam's new role on Supernatural? Captive? Hmmm.

11. Aaron Wade as Cole - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 2

Aaron Wade swings through Supernatural as Cole, Sam's latest captor.

12. Driving Angry - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 2

Sam is driving angrily. Has he been released from captivity?

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Supernatural Quotes

Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide. This place is going to sell like hotcakes.


Dean: Do I know you?
Becky: No, but I know you.