Supernatural Photos From "Paint It Black"

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These are photos from Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16, "Paint It Black."

1. Dean Investigates - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Dean pulls out his EMF meter. Might there be a ghost in the church?

2. Sam and Dean - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Sam and Dean are investigating a case in a church. Bet Dean is disappointed there's no cake or pie there.

3. Sam, Dean and a Priest - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

A case inside a church? Is the priest behind it? Sam and Dean are to sure to get the facts from him.

4. Sam, Dean and a Nun - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Sam and Dean are following up all the leads. That includes interviewing a nun for clues.

5. Sam - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Calling all Sam fans! Sam Winchester is on the case.

6. Dean - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Calling all Dean fans! Dean Winchester is on the latest case.

7. The Nun - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

This nun looks super serious. She shouldn't worry though, Sam and Dean are here!

8. Walking Out - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Sam and Dean look like they are leaving the church rather confident. Maybe they have cracked the case?

9. Sam Chats With Dean - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Sam has something important to say to Dean. It probably has to do with the case at the church. Or what they want to eat for dinner.

10. Sam and Dean Walking - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Sam and Dean are definitely talking about their favorite bands. Sometimes you've got to take a break from the case.

11. A Nun and Dean - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Dean has left Sam for a moment to talk to a nun. Might she know something and isn't telling?

12. Nuns and Guns - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Dean, a nun, and a gun. What could possibly go wrong?

13. EMF Meter - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Dean and the nun are walking around a church looking for the supernatural. Bet the EMF meter picks up something.

14. Something Scary - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Dean and the nun see something that's got to be scary. Is it a ghost? A demon?

15. Hiding - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Dean is sure to be protecting the nun from something supernatural. But what is she hiding from?

16. Knocked Down - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 16

Something has got Dean on the ground. Grab that gun, Dean!

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Supernatural Quotes

I'll keep fighting. I'll keep swinging til I got nothing left.


Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.
