Supernatural Photos from "Fan Fiction"

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Check out picturs here from Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5. The 200th episode overall, it is titled "Fan Fiction."

1. Lookin' Good - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

Well, Dean Winchester looks mighty fine working on the car.

2. Big Smile - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

Looking as good as his brother, check out Sammy in a sweater!

3. Hello Student - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

Dean mingles with a student while looking for a missing teacher.

4. Stunned Silent - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

Is this the look of the Winchesters when they discover a play about themselves?

5. Welcome! - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

The students welcome the stars of their show. I think.

6. Fans! - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

When the girls find out who they are, it's photo time!

7. Explaining the Show - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

Well, the show is going to go something like this...

8. Fictional Sam and Dean - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

Alright - this is going to be hilarious. Right? It could go either way.

9. The Gang's All Here! - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

Can you spot all of the usual suspects cavorting with Sam and Dean?

10. It's Not Funny Anymore - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

Dean no longer looks amused. What's going on here?

11. Getting the Scoop - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

These two girls seem to be the students with the answers.

12. What The??? - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

Are they looking at the script, a photo? What is it?!

13. Back in Form - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

This is the Sammy we know. No suit, no tight sweater (boo).

14. Action! - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

It's hard to tell if this is behind the scenes or behind the scenes...

15. Seeking Evil - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

Sam must be expecting evil, right? Why else have the big stick?

16. Cardboard Impala - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

Oh what a travesty. A cardboard Impala! Hmmm.. I kinda want one!

17. Sam's Baby Story - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

This is a sad shot. Are they telling the take of Sammy as a baby?

18. Taking It Too Far? - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

Wow -- this is a pretty elaborate school production. Are they taking it too far?

19. Mama Winchester - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

The school play has all the details right, down to Mama Winchester's demise.

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Supernatural Quotes

I'll keep fighting. I'll keep swinging til I got nothing left.


Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.
