Supernatural: 21 of Sam and Dean's Most Frightening Foes

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There are family businesses and then there are family businesses.

In Sam and Dean's case, their family business consists of "saving people and hunting things."

And as we've seen over the course of 14 seasons, some of these "things" are pretty darn nasty.

Related: Supernatural Season 14 Episode 16 Review: Don't Go Into the Woods

From demons to nightmarish creatures full of teeth to even Death himself, here are 21 of Sam and Dean's most frightening foes.

We've excluded some of the more popular and well-known ones like Lucifer, Eve, Azazel and others because every monster (or demon) deserves their due.

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Which of Sam and Dean's foes do you think was the most frightening? Which ones should have been on this list?

Click through the list below and let us know in the comments!

Relive all of Sam and Dean's nightmares when you watch Supernatural online right here via TV Fanatic!


1. Changelings

Dean only wanted to visit his old girlfriend Lisa but he and Sam ended up facing some terrifying kids who literally ended up being little monsters. One of the moms tried to take matters into her own hands, but not even an attempted drowning could kill her changeling child who was waiting for her when she got home. Sam and Dean eventually found and torched Mama changeling, saving the real kids in the process, but the nightmare of what they faced will stay with them forever.

2. The Djinn

Dean was living the perfect life when he found himself under the Djinn's spell. He had a beautiful wife, a job, and his mom was alive, but his fantasy was actually a nightmare. The Djinn was killing Dean by feeding on his blood, but Sam saved him in the nick of time.

3. Rakshasa

Everybody loves a clown -- except for Sam. Yet, he had to face his worst nightmare when this clown terrorized a small town by appearing to children who let them into their houses and then killed their parents. The brothers joined the carnival to track down the spirit eventually killing it with a brass organ piece sending it into clown hell where it could sleep on dead insects for eternity.

4. Bloody Mary

One of the scariest sleepover games from our childhoods came to life for Sam and Dean when they faced the violent spirit on one of their very first hunts. Bloody Mary wasn't playing games when she went after people who were harboring horrible secrets, and she's the perfect reason for keeping mirrors in the house at a minimum!

5. Alastair

Sam and Dean have faced many demons in their lives but none have been as brutal as Alastair. He was Hell's most gruesome torturer which Dean, unfortunately, experienced firsthand.

6. Sirens

Beware of beautiful women -- especially when they're sirens in disguise. Sam and Dean came face-to-face with the mythical creatures almost destroying each other in the process until Bobby arrived and broke them out of their spell.

7. Shtriga

Why are all the creepiest monsters found in small towns? These witch-like beings prey on small children because they need a child's lifeforce to survive, but Sam and Dean conquered them adding one more tick to their nightmare list in the process.

8. Arachne

Next time you see a spider, kill it. No questions asked. It doesn't matter if these particular spiders are humanoid, the fact is you'll never know for sure. Sam and Dean almost succumbed to the venomous creatures but as is always the case for the two brothers, they survived this horrific nightmare.

9. Leviathan

When even God is afraid of these monsters and has to lock them away, you know there's a problem. But Castiel accidentally released them and they immediately began a plan to start harvesting humans headed by the ultra-evil Dick Roman. Sam, Dean, and Cas worked together to take Roman down and now we all can sleep a little easier!

10. Rugaru

Poor Jack Montgomery had no idea of his curse when he started craving raw meat -- the bloodier the better. He couldn't control his cravings and moved on to human flesh. Despite Sam and Dean's best attempts, they couldn't save Jack from his fate and another monster bit the dust.

11. Hellhounds

Hellhounds have no place in this world, and they made their nastiness known in Sam and Dean's life in the most gruesome of ways. These demonic pit bulls were ultimately responsible for Jo and Ellen's deaths and their fearsomeness will never be forgotten.

12. Wraith

Sam and Dean put themselves into a number of dangerous situations to take down evil monsters but getting themselves locked up in a mental institution was probably the bravest -- or the most stupid. It took them a while, but they finally tracked down the wraith who was feeding on people's brain juices killing it just in time before Dean became a pile of goo.

13. Samhain

Halloween used to be a lot of fun until Samhain made his presence known thanks to a bunch of stupid teenagers who obviously haven't watched enough horror movies to know you just don't summon demons if you want to live. Sam had to use his demonic powers to exorcise Samahain which helped the people of the small town but created a whole host of new problems for the Winchester brothers.

14. Abaddon

Abaddon is right up there with Alastair when it comes to inflicting pain and torture on human lives. She made Sam and Dean's life a literal living hell for far too long until she was eventually killed.

15. Banshee

It's hell to get old especially when you have a screaming banshee terrorizing your life. The one Sam and Dean faced at the Oak Park Retirement Home was intent on killing everyone in its path but was ultimately killed by the magic of a golden blade.

16. Death

As one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Death might've worked with Sam and Dean to put the natural order back in place, but that doesn't mean he isn't one scary dude. What made him even scarier was the incredibly cool pale rider car he drove to reap what was his.

17. Wendigo

We've never enjoyed camping and for good reason. There are monsters out there ready to eat you alive. Sam and Dean just started their monster hunting journey when they faced the Wendigo and quickly learned that bullets won't kill every monster they come across. This one required getting shot by a flare gun in order to make the woods safe again.

18. Crocotta

If you're alone in the dark and something whispers your name, it's better to sit tight and not investigate lest a Crocotta eat your soul. Sam and Dean battled this toothy creature and sent it back to whatever hell it came from with a little help from a Catholic prayer.

19. Jefferson Starships

Dean got to name this new creature of Eve's which was a combination of a wraith, shapeshifter, and vampire. Talk about a monster to outdo all monsters, but like other monsters that crossed Sam and Dean's path, it only required beheading by a silver knife to end its terrifying ways.

20. Doc Benton

Who doesn't want to live forever? Unfortunately, the way Doc Benton chose to become immortal was gross and gruesome. Killing innocent people and using their organs for his own benefit was not the way to cheat death. Sam and Dean put an end to the Doc's horrific ways by burying him alive never to be seen again.

21. Daeva

What lurks in the shadows is a demon monster that will rip out your heart when you least expect it. Worse, you can't even see it. Not really, anyway. Brought to life by Meg, the only way Sam and Dean could defeat these demons were by dispelling them with light. The moral of the story, folks, is to always keep your lights on. The dark is not your friend.

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Supernatural Quotes

I'll keep fighting. I'll keep swinging til I got nothing left.


Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.
