Supergirl Midseason Report Card: Best Throwback, Worst Character, and More!

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We were left with a pretty major cliffhanger at the end of Supergirl Season 3 Episode 9

While we spend the next few weeks wondering if Kara will survive her battle with Reign (okay, we know she will), we're going to review the first part of the season and discuss what worked and what didn't. 

Which character was underused? What was the biggest shock? Check out our midseason report card and let us know if you agree with the grade we gave it!

If you're missing Kara, Mon-El, and the rest of the gang, don't forget you can watch Supergirl online until the season resumes on January 15!

1. Most Frustrating Underuse of a Character

This is something Supergirl fans have been complaining about ever since J'onn was revealed to be the Martian Manhunter. He's an alien with powers and super strength, just like Kara, yet he's almost always on the sidelines during the big battles. While Kara was being beaten into unconsciousness by Reign, where was J'onn? At the very least, he should have been there to catch her when she was thrown off the roof of a building!

2. Biggest Blunder

Supergirl doesn't make too many mistakes, but somehow no one caught this one. When Maggie's dad came to visit, he told her "they're building a wall to keep us out." Here's a question though, who is building this wall? In Supergirl's world, Trump isn't president, Lynda Carter's President Marsdin is, and she doesn't come across as the type who would be building a wall. We know Press Secretary Cat Grant would not be okay with that. The writers goofed on this one.

3. Best Casting

We're giving props to the casting department for choosing the perfect actresses to portray young Alex and young Kara. Izabela Vidovic and Olivia Nikkanen not only looked like their older counterparts, but both completely embodied the personailities of their characters. If Supergirl ever wants to bring these two back for more flashbacks, we'd be on board!

4. Biggest Shock

After seven months, Mon-El finally returned, except it wasn't just seven months for him. We learned that Mon-El is actually from the future, is a part of a group called Legion, and oh yeah, he's married! What? Poor Kara was just finally getting to a place where she could move on, and then he showed up with Imra and threw a wrench into her healing. It doesn't help that Imra is excruciatingly nice.

5. Most Underwhelming Transformation

Look, we loved Sam's storyline this season, but her actual transformation into Reign left a little to be desired. With so much build up leading to the big reveal, we just expected more. It all happened so fast, and the special effects were just so-so. We are extremely excited that Sam has now become Reign though, and we can't wait to see how it all ends.

6. Saddest Development

We were crushed when #Sanvers broke up, and it's even more heartbreaking knowing that it has nothing to do with how they feel about each other. They're still completely in love, but unfortunately, they have different opinions on a very important issue. Alex wants kids someday, and Maggie doesn't. It sucks, but if they stayed together, they most likely would have ended up resenting each other. We know it's for the best, but it's still devastating.

7. Most Heartwarming Family Reunion

J'onn's reunion with his father on Mars was easily one of the most heartwarming aspects of Supergirl Season 3 so far. While we haven't actually gotten to see them together as much as we'd like yet, we're loving the few scenes we have gotten of them. We especially loved J'onn introducing M'yrnn to hot chocolate! We can't wait for more moments like these in the second half of the season.

8. Worst Character

Does anybody actually like Morgan Edge? He's completely unnecessary to the story, and just shows up periodically to be a thorn in Lena's side. He's more of a nuisance than a villain, and a character we could just as easily do without. He feels like an attempt to recreate Max Lord's character, but with much less charisma.

9. Best Use of Music

The Supergirl versus Reign fight scene was EPIC, but the best part might have been when they crashed through an office Christmas Party with "Rocking Around the Christmas Tree" playing in the background. There was just something so funny about the upbeat song playing during such an intense moment.

10. Couple We're Unsure About

The jury is still out on James and Lena. There's potential for this relationship, but so far it's too early to tell if we like them together. We do like that the writers are finally giving James something to do. The guy needs a decent story line, but time will tell if this is it.

11. Best Throwback

The crossover gave us plenty of throwbacks to past episodes, but our favorite was when Barry asked Kara to sing at his and Iris' wedding. Thanks to the musical crossover, he knew about her non-superhero talents, and called upon them to ask her to sing "Running Home to You," the song he used to propose. Despite the fact that the wedding was interrupted, it made for a sweet moment.

12. Friends We Wish Were Ours

One aspect of Supergirl Season 3 we are absolutely loving is the growing friendship between Kara, Sam, Lena, and to a lesser extent, Alex. The girls nights complete with wine and conversation have really helped Kara deal with the loss of Mon-El, and those scenes have been the happiest we've seen her. Of course with Sam becoming Reign, we're worried about the future of this friendship, but we hope it all somehow works out in the end.

13. Most Puzzling Development

This one actually has nothing to do with the show itself, but rather the network's decision to put Supergirl on an extended hiatus this spring. We'll have to endure a 9 week break while Legends of Tomorrow takes over Supergirl's timeslot, pushing the season finale out of sweeps and into June. Fans are so upset about it that they've even launched a petition to protest it!

14. Grade It: B!

Supergirl Season 3 got off to a little bit of a slow start, especially with Kara in such a sad place over the loss of Mon-El. However, it picked up significantly with Sam's Reign storyline, and finished with arguably the best fight scene of the series. We loved the flashbacks to Alex and Kara's childhood, as well as the crossover, and we're excited to see how Kara recovers and regroups when the show returns in January!

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Supergirl Quotes

Alex: I have a conference in Geneva and I have to be on a plane in two hours.
Kara: And I have a blind date in a half an hour and I need you to help me pick out what to wear. I win.

The only reason I bought this building was because it had a private elevator. That way I don't have to get soaked in cheap cologne every morning on the way to my office. Find out who used it and have them reprimanded or bathed, I don't care which.
