Suits Photos from "Privilege"

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If there was ever a perfect best friend to help you plan your wedding, it would be Donna! Attention to detail is that girl's forte, that's for sure.

But on Suits Season 5 Episode 6, we'll have to see if Donna manages to plan Rachel's dream wedding or her dream disaster. Meanwhile, Mike and Louis team up to manage Harvey's oldest client because he's a bit busy elsewhere, now that his mommy issues have finally been dredged up by Dr. Agard. 

Check out these photos from an all new episode, airing July 29th at 9/8c. 

Be sure to catch up on any you missed when you watch Suits online.

1. Donna - Suits Season 5 Episode 6

Donna is looking extra smiley this week, and with good reason. Not only is she out of the office -- something we rarely get to see from Donna these days -- her main goal in this week's episode is to start planning Rachel's dream wedding. We think that might be something Donna more than excels at!

2. Wedding Plans - Suits Season 5 Episode 6

We're not sure who this couple might be, but Donna is certainly turning up the charm isn't she? My best guess is they've booked someone or something that Rachel wants for her wedding day, and our favorite secretary is going to use every little bit of her Donna Powers to get this couple to give up the goods.

3. Dr. Agard - Suits Season 5 Episode 6

After their heated confrontation last week regarding Harvey's mother, you wouldn't think that he'd be anywhere near Dr. Agard or her office again. And yet here he is, chatting with her on the street. The question is, is it about his therapy, or the case that Paula has somehow gotten herself involved in?

4. Staring Match - Suits Season 5 Episode 6

This staring match doesn't exactly look friendly, so we're guessing Harvey probably isn't making too much progress on his reported mommy issues. If he doesn't get back in Dr. Agard's good graces -- and vice versa -- then Harvey's therapy might be going nowhere fast.

5. Mommy Issues - Suits Season 5 Episode 6

After a not so productive conversation with his therapist last week, will Harvey finally be able to face the fact that his panic attacks stem from his mommy issues rather than his Donna issues? We don't know much about Harvey's mother, but here's hoping that Dr. Agard can suss out a few more details for us in the coming weeks!

6. Harvey's Client - Suits Season 5 Episode 6

Now that he's not spending his nights on Teen Wolf, actor, J.R. Borne, has some time to swing by Suits for a cameo. He'll be playing Harvey's oldest client, whom Mike and Louis will have to handle while Harvey goes toe to toe with his therapist in a different case.

7. Samuel Mekonnen - Suits Season 5 Episode 6

Samuel Mekonnen is back on Suits, but unfortunately, Harvey won't have time to handle his oldest client. In his stead, Mike and Louis will have to decide how best to handle the case, when Harvey's client want to make a move that will end up going against his best interests.

8. Harvey Negotiates - Suits Season 5 Episode 6

Dr. Agard is called in as a witness to Harvey's latest case, and that's probably what you'd call a definite conflict of interest. Will her involvement with Harvey's case end up breaking the trust they've built up in therapy? Only if Harvey can't get this case resolved double time.

9. Paul Gilroy - Suits Season 5 Episode 6

Ted Whittall guest stars this week as Paul Gilroy, Harvey's opposition in this week's case. They seem to be having a fairly courteous lunch in these pictures, but we all know how fast that can change once Harvey starts to negotiate. Paul doesn't look especially amenable in this particular shot.

10. Negotiations - Suits Season 5 Episode 6

And right on cue, it looks like it's time for Paul Gilroy to walk away from the table, before they've even started. This case -- and it's involvement with Dr. Agard -- are a mystery for now, but whatever the outcome, Harvey better be careful. Will attorney/client privilege outweigh doctor/patient privilege?

11. Jack Soloff - Suits Season 5 Episode 6

Jack Soloff is back in action this week, but who will he go after next? He's already challenged Louis and Harvey, two name partners, so the next logical step would be to take Jessica on. Especially after that stunt she pulled forcing his hand with Louis admission of guilt.

12. Jessica - Suits Season 5 Episode 6

If Jack decides to take on Jessica, he'll have an uphill battle to climb. Jessica Pearson has been managing partner for a long time, and she's withstood as many coups as you could possibly imagine. Taking her down seems pretty impossible at this point, and good riddance to anyone who tries.

13. Rachel - Suits Season 5 Episode 6

Will Rachel be able to help Mike and Louis manage Harvey's oldest client? Hopefully so, but we can't help but wonder when she'll get to team up with Jessica again. Those girls and their budding friendship have been the highlight of Season 5 so far, and we're all eager to see more!

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Suits Quotes

Don't sell her sass short.


Rachel: I just watched the man that I love go to prison so that none of you have to and it hasn't been five minutes and you're already ripping each other apart.
Harvey: Rachel.
Rachel: Let me finish. I thought I wanted to be alone tonight and then I realized that I didn't because I wanted to be with my family. If you can't keep it together tonight, of all nights, then as far as I'm concerned you can all rot in hell.