Suits Photos from "Moot Point"

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Enjoy these photos from Suits Season 3 Episode 13

Flip through the pics of Harvey Specter, Mike Ross, Louis Litt and Jessica Pearson and be back here for the full review of "Moot Point" on Thursday, March 20.

1. Lawyers on the Go

Harvey and Mike are on the go in this photo from "Moot Point." Handsome devils, aren't they?

2. Hello Harvey My Old Rival

Harvey and Mike stumble upon Harvey's old rival from Law School, Eliot Stemple (Patrick Fischler), while on their power walk in "Moot Point."

3. An Unlikely Pair

Scottie and Louis are lunching together in this photo from "Moot Point."

4. A Tense Lunch

Scottie looks tense as she sits opposite Louis. Is this the beginning of the battle that erupts between them in "Moot Point"?

5. Talking it Out

Mike talks it out with Rachel in this photo from the upcoming episode of Suits titled "Moot Point."

6. Harvey's Deep Thoughts

Harvey's deep in thought in this photo from "Moot Point."

7. Getting Harvey's Opinion

Jessica is getting information from Harvey and looking quite relaxed in this photo from "Moot Point."

8. Oh This is Fun!

Harvey appears to be having a grand time in the episode titled "Moot Point."

9. Harvey's Pals

Mike's in the elevator with Harvey's old law school rival. Find out what they're talking about when you watch "Moot Point!"

10. Louis Growling at Harvey

Harvey is getting an earful from Louis. Is it about the argument he's in with Scottie? Watch "Moot Point" to find out!

11. Stating his Case

Louis is passionately stating his case in the upcoming episode of Suits titled "Moot Point."

12. Harvey with an Old Rival

Gabriel Macht as Harvey Spector and Patrick Fischler as Eliot Stemple, an old rival from Harvey's law school days.

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Suits Quotes

Don't sell her sass short.


Rachel: I just watched the man that I love go to prison so that none of you have to and it hasn't been five minutes and you're already ripping each other apart.
Harvey: Rachel.
Rachel: Let me finish. I thought I wanted to be alone tonight and then I realized that I didn't because I wanted to be with my family. If you can't keep it together tonight, of all nights, then as far as I'm concerned you can all rot in hell.