Suits Photos from "Litt the Hell Up"

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We have Suits Season 4 Episode 6 photos ready for you!

1. Forstman's Favorite Position

Forstman assumes his favorite position in his favorite booth in his favorite diner on "Litt the Hell Up."

2. Rachel on a Mission

Rachel looks like she's on a mission in "Litt the Hell Up."

3. Too Close for Comfort on Suits

Is Rachel finally putting her relationship with Logan to rest? It doesn't look like it in this photo from "Litt the Hell Up."

4. Who Is Logan Looking At?

The look on Logan's face is one usually reserved for Rachel. "Litt the Hell Up."

5. Katrina Smiles

Katrina seems quite joyful to find who's behind her in the stacks in "Litt the Hell Up."

6. Louis Asks for Help

Is Louis asking Katrina for help in this photo from "Litt the Hell Up"?

7. Peachy and Pleased

Louis looks like he has something up his sleeve in "Litt the Hell Up."

8. Donna Giving Sage Advice

Is Donna giving advice to Rachel in this shot from "Litt the Hell Up"?

9. A Hopeful Look

Rachel looks hopeful in this photo. Did Donna set her straight? "Litt the Hell Up."

10. What Did He Overhear?

Harvey's either at the copier or he overheard something concerning in this photo from "Litt the Hell Up."

11. Isolation

How Isolated is Mike these days? Less now that he and Harvey are under the same light, we hope.

12. Meeting Prep

Are Harvey and Mike getting their stories straight in this photo from "Litt the Hell Up"?

13. Former Friends Unite

All signs point toward a smoother future for Mike and Harvey. "Litt the Hell Up."

14. Logan Questioned by the SEC

Logan is brought in on the SEC investigation. What will it uncover?

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Suits Quotes

Don't sell her sass short.


Rachel: I just watched the man that I love go to prison so that none of you have to and it hasn't been five minutes and you're already ripping each other apart.
Harvey: Rachel.
Rachel: Let me finish. I thought I wanted to be alone tonight and then I realized that I didn't because I wanted to be with my family. If you can't keep it together tonight, of all nights, then as far as I'm concerned you can all rot in hell.