Suits Photos from "Hitting Home"

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So many familiar faces are showing up on Suits Season 5 Episode 7 this week! 

First, we've got the sneaky and slimy Daniel Hardman making his reappearance, which can only mean bad things for Jessica. War might be brewing at P.S.L again. Also, Louis' sister, Esther, is back with some legal business to take care of, and we're sure everyone is waiting with bated breath to find out if she'll spill the beans about her tryst with Harvey!

It might be time to marathon some old episodes to prepare for this week, so be sure to watch Suits online to refresh your memory! 

1. Jessica Prepares - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

With Daniel Hardman back -- and no doubt eager for blood after being ousted from his own firm in Season 2 -- Jessica might need to be ready to do battle. Hardman has a smiles and sweetness exterior with a pure evil gooey center, which is the hardest kind of enemy to predict. Let's hope Jessica has a plan!

2. Jessica Visits Jack - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

Now that we know Soloff has been in league with Hardman this whole time, you have to wonder if Jessica has been his main target all along. After all, Hardman might have a bone to pick with Harvey and Louis, but Jessica was, and forever will be, the opponent that he considers most worthy.

3. Team Hardman - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

While Jack Soloff might be a formidable foe at the moment, you know he's nothing when compared with Daniel Hardman. And Jessica's threat to fire him from the firm last week might not be sitting well with him. Can Soloff be swayed over to Jessica's side, or is he Team Hardman all the way?

4. Angry Smile - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

This is what I like to call Jessica's 'angry smile.' Normally a smile means that someone is happy and carefree, but for Jessica, it's more of a sign that you're about to be in some big trouble. It's all in the eyes... The reason she's showing you all those teeth? The better to eat you with, my dear!

5. Jessica vs. Hardman - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

Jessica sure is doing a lot of thinking in these photos, but we can't really blame her. After turning on Hardman not once but twice -- no matter how well deserved both coups were -- you have to wonder if she can win a fight with him a third time. Will she be able to pull a hat-trick on this one, or will the third time be the charm for Daniel Hardman?

6. Harvey & Gretchen - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

One of the best new relationships to come out of this season has been the one between Gretchen and Harvey. Without Donna, we were worried Harvey might fall apart (she managed his life with perfection and precision after all). But Gretchen has stepped up to the task, and she's proving to be every bit the sassy assistant Donna ever was.

7. Gretchen - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

If we could ask for one thing next episode, it would probably be another peek into Grechen's life. You can't just give us this flawless new character without going into more detail! That small peek into Gretchen's experience with panic attacks was the perfect way to solidify her bond with Harvey, while also informing the audience about who Gretchen is as a person.

8. Esther Edelstein - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

Look who's back! It's Esther Edelstein, Louis' flawless little sister. Everyone looks mighty happy in this particular photo (I wonder who they're greeting with such confident smiles?) but something tells me it won't stay that way for long. Once Louis finds out about Harvey's tryst with Esther, the gloves might come off.

9. Family Matters - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

Do we think Esther is back for more mediation on her divorce? Not very likely, considering Louis is sitting in on the meetings and she was firmly against him having a hand in her legal matters the last time she came to visit. Whatever it is, let's hope Rachel doesn't get caught in the middle of any family feuding!

10. Louis & Rachel. - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

Rachel and Louis always make a great team, and we can't help but think that they'll be even more of a legal powerhouse now that Louis is determined to be a better man and leave the pettiness behind. Nothing can stop these two now if Louis can just manage to keep a lid on his insecurity issues for a while.

11. Louis Litt - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

This week will mark the seventh episode that Donna has spent as Louis assistant. We admit, that's longer than we anticipated the move lasting, and we're beginning to think it might actually be a permanent thing. Donna and Louis might not have the same ring to it as Donna and Harvey, but you've got to admit you'd hate to see Louis lose Donna after growing so attached.

12. Donna - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

Uh oh, is it just me, or does Donna not look very happy in this photo? If Esther's secret about sleeping with Harvey comes out this week, Donna's going to be in a precarious position. She might feel hurt and betrayed by Harvey, but she'll also have to decide whether to play referee between him and Louis when they no doubt come to blows.

13. Mike & Soloff - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

Mike and Jack Soloff working together? What sort of strange hell dimension have we just been transported to? It looks like Mike might have to give partnering with Soloff another try this week, after Jessica asks him to play nice. Will these two come to an understanding or will we see more fireworks between the two lawyers?

14. A Tense Discussion - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

After last week's run in between Mike and Jack Soloff, I can't imagine co-counseling a case together is either man's dream job. Arguments and trickery are bound to happen when the two of them team up, but let's hope that they can stop their squabbling long enough to win the case.

15. Friend or Foe? - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

Let's have some real talk about Jack Soloff's intentions. Is he really in Hardman's pocket, or are his power plays an honest attempt to gain traction at the firm? He's been pretty surely slated as this year's villain, but if Mike can somehow manage to draw a good deed out of the man, you have to wonder if a little redemption is possible for him.

16. Jessica & Mike - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

With Hardman closing in, it makes sense that Jessica would ask Mike to pair up with Soloff to see where exactly his loyalties lie. So far, Mike has the least turbulent relation with Jack -- which is not really saying much considering everything that's gone down so far -- so he would be the most likely to suss out if Jack is a friend or foe.

17. Harvey - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

Harvey will be trying to repair his friendship with Donna this week, but after her "friendly advice" rubs him the wrong way, we wonder if he might turn to Jessica for a different opinion. Unfortunately for him, Jessica and Donna almost always see eye to eye on what's best for Harvey, so he probably won't be getting what he wants to hear from either lady.

18. Jessica on a Warpath? - Suits Season 5 Episode 7

However Daniel Hardman plans to come back on the scene, you can bet that Jessica Pearson will be ready for him. She fought tooth and nail to become managing partner, and she's not going to let him swoop back in without a fight. This might mean war, but it's about time we had another coup at P.S.L

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Suits Quotes

Don't sell her sass short.


Rachel: I just watched the man that I love go to prison so that none of you have to and it hasn't been five minutes and you're already ripping each other apart.
Harvey: Rachel.
Rachel: Let me finish. I thought I wanted to be alone tonight and then I realized that I didn't because I wanted to be with my family. If you can't keep it together tonight, of all nights, then as far as I'm concerned you can all rot in hell.