Suits Photos from "Exposure"

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Enjoy these photos are from Suits Season 4 Episode 8. Get your first look at the installment.

1. After a Breakup

Mike and Rachel are working together again after their breakup in "Exposure."

2. The Litt is Out

Louis is trying to keep his chin up after his deal with Forstman.

3. A Wary Glance

Rachel casts a wary glance over her should in this still from "Exposure."

4. Fancy Dressing

Jessica looks lovely in this still from the upcoming episode "Exposure."

5. Jessica Consults Harvey

Jessica and Harvey talk in this still from the episode "Exposure."

6. Forlorn

Rachel can't possibly relish working next to Mike when they're trying to weather a breakup.

7. Will Louis Be Found Out?

Louis made a very risky agreement with Forstman. Can he get out of it?

8. Harvey's All Smiles

Harvey is all smiles while chatting with Louis. How long will that last?

9. Donna Looks Annoyed

Donna looks like she's giving someone a life lesson in "Exposure."

10. Gabriel Macht is Harvey Specter in Suits

Just another gorgeous photo of Mr. Macht from "Exposure."

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Suits Quotes

Don't sell her sass short.


Rachel: I just watched the man that I love go to prison so that none of you have to and it hasn't been five minutes and you're already ripping each other apart.
Harvey: Rachel.
Rachel: Let me finish. I thought I wanted to be alone tonight and then I realized that I didn't because I wanted to be with my family. If you can't keep it together tonight, of all nights, then as far as I'm concerned you can all rot in hell.