Suits: 13 Times Donna Paulsen Stole the Show

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It's no secret that when it comes to Suits, Donna is the fan favorite that just keeps on giving.

She started out as Harvey's witty redheaded secretary, but over the course of five seasons, she's grown into a character who defines the show nearly as much as Harvey and Mike.

Whether it's a witty rejoinder, a sexy strut, or her uncanny ability to somehow know EVERYTHING, Donna tends to dominate the office both in business and personal matters. Let's not even get into those epic moments when we get a little hint of her romance with Harvey.

To celebrate such a wonderful woman, we present you with The 13 Times Donna Paulsen Stole the Show. 

1. That Time She Knew Everything

Let it never be forgotten that Donna knows all, sees all, and understands all. Keeping a secret in this office? Not a chance.

2. That Time She was a Fashion Mean Girl

It's easy to see that Donna's got some of the best style on the show, so she obviously has no qualms about passing judgment on others' wardrobe choices.

3. That Time She and Rachel Talked Penis Length

It's always great to see ladies supporting ladies on TV, and Donna and Rachel's friendship is just that. Whether they're gabbing about dirty details or how best to win a case, these two ladies are awesome together.

4. That Time She Strutted Through the Office

When Donna is having a good day, everyone knows it. Mainly because she'll strut through the office like she owns the place and walk all over anyone who dares to get in her way.

5. That Time She was Too Busy Being Awesome

Photographic memory? Sorry, Donna's brain is way too busy being awesome. Literally. With one look, this girl will know more about you than you do. We'd take that super power over a photographic memory any day.

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Suits Quotes

Don't sell her sass short.


Rachel: I just watched the man that I love go to prison so that none of you have to and it hasn't been five minutes and you're already ripping each other apart.
Harvey: Rachel.
Rachel: Let me finish. I thought I wanted to be alone tonight and then I realized that I didn't because I wanted to be with my family. If you can't keep it together tonight, of all nights, then as far as I'm concerned you can all rot in hell.