This Is Us Season 2 Report Card: Biggest Twist, Saddest Goodbye & More!

As we near the end of 2017, it's time for the This Is Us Season 2 report card. What were some of the best moments?

13 TV Characters Who Need Some Extra TLC

Don't pop the champagne for these TV characters. It's been a rough year! Instead of a glass of bubbly, they'd rather have a hug. Find out who inside!

19 Inspiring TV Characters We Admire

With the New Year coming up, use these characters to frame your resolutions around because they're not perfect, they have huge flaws, but they still keep going.

22 Times TV Made Us Grin From Ear to Ear

Is there anything better than watching TV with a big ol' smile on your face? Yeah, we don't think so either. Here's a roundup of recent times we couldn't stop grinning.

15 Times TV Shows Brought Us to Tears

Is there any better indicator that a show you wrapped around their finger than when they make you weep? We admit being driven to tears on multiple occasions. Read on!

19 Times Laughter Got the Best of Us

Laughter makes the world go round, right? We have done our fair share of laughing at and with the television of 2017. Check out the most memorable bits!

NBC Cheat Sheet: What Will Be Renewed?

The Brave and Taken will likely be canceled by NBC before the season is over. Which other shows are on the chopping block? Find out right here!

TV Fanatics Share their Appreciation of the Small Screen

What is it about watching entertainment on the small screen that we appreciate so much? We're about to tell you. Find out from your favorite TV Fanatics.

19 TV Characters Uninvited from the Family Feast

Time with family is always a nail-biter for some, and while some can bear it, others are feasted on themselves. Here are characters uninvited from their family feasts!

This Is Us Photos From "The Most Disappointed Man"

On This Is Us Season 2 Episode 7 Rebecca and Jack put up a fight to officially adopt baby Randall while adult Randall puts up his own fight with the foster system and Deja's biological mother.

This Is Us Photos from "The 20's"

The Pearson clan gets dressed up this Halloween on This Is Us Season 2 Episode 6. Who took home the award for best '80s inspired costume?

This Is Us: 7 Theories About Jack Pearson's Mysterious Death

As promised, This Is Us Season 2 Episode 1 offered major insight into the night Jack Pearson died. You may have missed some of the major clues, but we definitely didn't.

This Is Us Quotes

Woman: So what brings you to Boston?
Deja: My boyfriend. He's studying at Harvard.
Woman: Ah, young love is wonderful. It changes you.

Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?
