33 Couples Who Were Robbed of Their Endgame

We all have at least one couple that we know should've ended up together but their shows just did them dirty. Let's all be bitter together. Who was yours?

42 TV Celebrities Who've Spent Time in the Slammer

TV celebrities live a posh lifestyle, but when they mess with the law, they're thrown in the slammer like everyone else. Some are in for hours, and some are in for life.

13 TV Characters Who Are Scarier Than Monsters

Monsters, vampires, and zombies are horror show staples, but sometimes ordinary people instill more fear in viewers than supernatural beasts.

13 Characters We Love Even if We'd Never Hang Out With Them

TV is full of larger-than-life characters who do things to annoy us or inspire us to do bad, bad things. But would we hang out with these people in real life?

Beverly Hills 90210 Cast: Where Are They Now?

Beverly Hills 90210 tackled real-life issues through a group of friends living in Beverly Hills. We fell in love with the stars. Where are they now?

24 Couples Whose Love was Denied by Death

These couples had some of the best chemistry. Some of them got together and some of them never did. Their love was cut short by the grim reaper. Who broke your heart?

25 Shows To Binge Watch If You Love Chicago

Chicago is a dynamic and diverse city, making it the perfect backdrop for TV shows, especially cop and medical dramas! These shows make Chi-town their town!

15 TV Shows That Nearly Had Terrible Titles

Can you imagine if Grey's Anatomy or This is Us had been given different names? It almost happened, as you're about to discover here.

15 TV Reunions That Made Our Hearts Sing

We love that sense of nostalgia we feel any time actors from our favorite shows come together again on something new. If you agree, check out these fun TV reunions!

19 Actors Known for More Than One Iconic TV Role

While some actors can never get past one major TV role, others have been able play two or more iconic characters. These 19 actors have done just that!

13 Best Vacation Episodes on TV

Who doesn't need a vacation? Even our favorite TV characters are in need of a break now and then. Check out the 13 best vacation episodes on TV.

13 TV Slaps That Were Heard Around The World

Do you love a good TV slap? You've come to the right place. We've compiled some of the best slaps in television history!

Good Wife Quotes

Alicia Florrick: The last time I was in Court it was 13 years ago.
Kalinda Sharma: Wow, I was twelve!
Alicia Florrick: Thanks.

Jackie Florrick: He needs you to forgive him, Alicia.
Alicia Florrick: He took everything I thought we had and he just put it out there.
Jackie Florrick: He didn't want that. The press...
Alicia Florrick: Oh, Jackie, stop it! Peter wasn't thinking of us.