27 Best TV Shows of 2015

These are the TV Fanatic Staff picks for the best television had to offer in 2015. To find out whether you agree or disagree, start scrolling!

19 Noteworthy Character Exits from 2015

Whether they made us cry or clap our hands, these characters exits at least got our attention during 2015. Find out which ones made the list!

19 Praiseworthy Performances from 2015

These are the performances that left us speechless. The actors went above and beyond what their roles required and left behind an episode for the ages.

12 Characters Who Wasted Our Time in 2015

Not every character is beloved, and we've picked out these 12 in particular who wasted our time. Discover the offenders when you peek inside!

20 Romantic Pairs that Brightened 2015

These romantic couples really brought love and light to us in 2015. Whether they fought to get there or it came naturally, it the feelings shined through.

14 Villains Scared Us Silly in 2015

Villains are complex characters. Which scared the living you-know-what out of us in 2015? Read on for a frightening rundown!

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost