19 Times Love Conquered the Impossible

When you truly love someone, there's nothing you can't overcome. Can you think of a time when your favorite characters accomplished the impossible together?

19 TV Characters With Attention Grabbing Tattoos

A TV character can capture the audience's attention in many ways, but there is something truly unique about tattoos adding to the essence of who that person is onscreen.

The 100: 21 Times Bellamy and Clarke Left Feelings Unsaid

The relationship between Bellamy and Clarke has been six seasons of heavily implied romantic context, and yet at the same time, most of it has included things going unsaid.

73 Couples We'll Happily Go to Hell 'Shipping!

We're breaking down some controversial, unpopular, and toxic 'ships we unapologetically love. Check out our list featuring The 100, Shadowhunters, Grey's Anatomy & more!

17 Lies That Destroyed Relationships

Whether it's on television or real life, one mistake can cause an entire relationship to crash and burn. Can you think of any lies that just weren't worth it?

29 TV Characters Who Were Too Good to Last

They're so doe-eyed, caring, and often so naive they seem to have "kill me" taped to their back. Here are 29 souls who were too good to make it out of their shows alive.

27 of the Most Stone-Cold Bitches on TV

There are plenty of women on television who take being a bitch to the next level. They're ruthless, shallow, and sometimes just plain evil. We'll just call them stone-cold.

13 of the Best Love Epiphanies of All Time

Realizing you love someone, and being able to say it out loud are two completely different things. When did your favorite ship finally come to their senses?

17 Songs We Hear on TV Over and Over Again

Did you like that song you heard playing in the background of that TV episode? Hope so because it's likely you will be hearing that song again and again and again.

13 Characters Who Deserve Better Than Their Love Interest

For some reason, incredible television characters sometimes end up in relationships with horrible people. Do any of your favorites deserve better romances?

19 Times Love Unleashed Evil

Love doesn't always change a person for the better. We created a list of 19 characters who abandoned their conscience for the person that they loved.

19 Characters Whose Chemistry Could Set Off Fireworks

Chemistry is that "thing" between two characters that is so electric, it cannot be ignored. The chemistry between these characters could set off fireworks!