19 TV Couples Who Could Kill Each Other

If "Love means never having to say you're sorry," does this mean you receive a license to kill? That sounds sketchy, but these TV couples certainly think so.

27 of the Most Stone-Cold Bitches on TV

There are plenty of women on television who take being a bitch to the next level. They're ruthless, shallow, and sometimes just plain evil. We'll just call them stone-cold.

37 TV Characters Who Would Rain on Your Parade

Who doesn't want to have a good time at a parade or any other social gathering? Unfortunately, there are some television characters who will spoil the fun for everyone.

41 TV Characters With Slamming Hot Bods

Television is full of beautiful people, and there are some that can't help but show off their incredibly hot bods. Who makes us drool? Check out our list.

31 of TV's Most Beloved Captains

Kirk, Beckett, Brass. Leaders of valor who value those they stand for make an impression and leave a legacy. Who would YOU follow? Who rallies your courage?

13 TV Love Stories Too Good to be True

We all have #relationship goals based on our favorite TV romances, but when does fantasy ever become reality? Here are 13 epic love stories too good to be true.

13 of the Worst Relationships Currently on Television

What current TV ship can you not stand? You probably didn't have to think too long about it. Check out 13 couples on television we really hope calls it quits.

23 Fictional TV Royals For Whom We Would Bend the Knee

It takes more than a pedigree to rule others. We take a look at the titled individuals who have commanded respect or seized power over land, league, or legion.

19 TV Characters Who Would Stab You In The Back

Watch yourself around these TV characters because you never know when one of them will start thinking it is not worth keeping you around anymore.

13 Shows That Changed the Landscape of Television

Television has come a long way, baby. Many shows have been produced over the last 70-plus years, some more influential than others. Here's a list of 13.

17 TV Singles We Would Like To Date

In honor of Singles Awareness Day, there is nothing like showing appreciation for the single TV characters that we would love to date ourselves.

23 Best Streaming Shows of 2018

What's worth binge-watching this weekend? Which shows are worth your precious TV viewing hours? We've got the 21 best streaming shows that aired in 2018.