17 TV Couples That You Forgot Dated

There are just those TV couples that happened and yet you completely forgot that they ever dated. Which TV couples do you always forget were together at some point?

27 Internet Girlfriends You Should Still Be Crushing On

Sometimes you just need to celebrate the best girlfriends that television has given the internet. Here is a collection of the characters you should still be obsessed with.

17 'Ships That Need to Sail in 2019

There are some relationships that just really need to get a move on. With 2018 coming to a close, we listed 17 'ships that need to sail during the new year!

23 Most Diverse Casting and Representation of 2018

Television should be about making your audience feel included in the narrative that you're creating, these shows achieved just that with their diverse casting and writing.

23 Most Romantic Moments of 2018

There's nothing better than living vicariously through our favorite character's epic love story. Check out our 23 Most Romantic Moments of 2018!

Shadowhunters: 9 Reasons It Deserves a Renewal

Half a season and two extra episodes to wrap-up the entirety of Shadowhunters? Not acceptable. Check out nine reasons the show deserves to be renewed!

23 Most Headscratching Cancelations of 2018

Tell me that did not just happen! 2018 was a crushing year for TV as networks canceled some of our most beloved shows. Which 2018 TV cancelation hurt you the most?

29 Internet Boyfriends You Should Still Be Crushing On

Sometimes you just need to celebrate the best boyfriends that television has given the internet. Here is a collection of the characters you should still be obsessed with.

31 Ships That Took Seasons to Sail

We all love immediate gratification, but when it comes to shipping sometimes it's worth the wait. Check out 31 slow burn ships that took seasons to set sail!

19 Most Inappropriate Relationships In TV History

Not all drama makes for a comfortable experience because these characters have become memorable for how gross their relationships would be in the real world.

17 of the Most Legendary House Parties on TV

When our television party animals get wild, they always go big, and never go home. Here are 17 of the most legendary house parties in television history!

13 Gal Pals Who Should Become Girfriends

The best relationships are always rooted in friendship. We put together a list of 13 gal pals we're dying to see take it to the next level!

Shadowhunters Quotes

Alec: We've got this.
Isabelle: We've got this?
Alec: It's no problem. We're Lightwoods.

What's done is done. I'm a vampire. You're a shadowhunter. Maybe that's supposed to mean something, but you're still you, and I'm still me. Sort of. Enough, anyway.
