23 Male TV Characters That Have Perfected The Look™

Every successful and popular romantic pairing on a show owes some of its thanks to the way the male counterpart pulled off the trademark emotional look.

11 TV Characters Who Deserve A Drink

National Margarita Day is here and our focus can't help but go to the fictional TV characters who might deserve a drink right about now.

19 of the Best TV Characters to Mend Your Broken Heart

No one gets through life without suffering heartbreak, but these are the TV characters who would drop everything and do anything to make you feel better.

Shadowhunters: 17 Favorite Hugs For Newcomers

Experiencing even a small portion of Shadowhunters as a show is realizing just how much the characters there love to exchange hugs with one another.

15 Fun TV Workplaces Worth Celebrating

Celebrating National Have Fun At Work Day means reflecting on the fictional TV workplaces that we would like to work at, or that we love to see on our screens.

23 "Epic Loves" That are Epic Fails

Relationships aren't always as beautiful as they may seem. Check out 23 "epic" couples who never should've been together in the first place!

23 of the Most Enviable TV Hugs EVER!

There is no celebrating National Hugging Day without looking back at all the TV hugs we wish we could have been a part of in some way.

Shadowhunters: 11 Book Scenes We Need to See on the Show

When being adapted into a TV show, it's impossible for every scene in a novel to make the cut. But we're crossing our fingers for one Shadowhunters couple!

13 Similar TV Ships You Should Take for a Sail

Did you just finish a series? Are you looking for a new ship to ruin your life? Don't worry! We put together an "If you ship this, you'll probably ship that!"

Shadowhunters: 13 Reasons We Ship Sizzy

The burn may be slow but the wait is more than worth it. Do you ship Sizzy? I mean, how could you not? Check out 13 reasons why it's impossible not to love them!

15 WTF Moments from 2018

Even our favorite TV shows can make us question what the powers that be were thinking. Here are 15 decisions from 2018 that were totally uncalled for.

13 Characters Who Melt at the Sight of Their Love

Don't you just love those characters who can't help but melt around one specific person? No matter how collected they act around everyone else? They're absolute goners!

Shadowhunters Quotes

Alec: We've got this.
Isabelle: We've got this?
Alec: It's no problem. We're Lightwoods.

What's done is done. I'm a vampire. You're a shadowhunter. Maybe that's supposed to mean something, but you're still you, and I'm still me. Sort of. Enough, anyway.
