Quotables from Week Ending May 19, 2017

What did the multiple finales from this very busy week bring you by way of great quotes? Find out when you scroll through the slideshow. Enjoy!

Quotables from Week Ending May 12, 2017

As we roll into sweeps week, we're already experiencing a lot of finales. The dialogue must be getting good, right? Find out what quotes are standing out!

Quotables for Week Ending May 5, 2017

We're back for another round of the some of the most quotable moments on TV for the week ending May 5, 2017. Find your best and share it with the class!

Quotables from Week Ending April 28, 2017

During the week of April 28, 2017, viewers said goodbye to Bates Motel, Outsiders and hello to The Handmaid's Tale and Genius. Find out how that impacted quotes!

Quotables for Week Ending April 14, 2017

It's April! Another week, another big finale. Who bit the dust? Who made us worry? What shows entered alternative timelines? Figure it out with by the quotes inside.

Quotables for Week Ending March 24, 2017

Empire returned, there was a Supergirl/Flash musical. What else could be found during the week that brought happiness to our ears? Check out the most quotable moments.

Quotables from Week Ending February 17, 2017

Who turned the best phrase for the week ending February 17, 2017? The only way to find out is to scroll through our most quotable moments. Do it now!

Quotables for Week Ending February 10, 2017

It's not even spring yet, but the riches of television have fallen upon us. Get a look at the best quotes on TV for the week and find something new to watch now!

Quotables for Week Ending February 3, 2017

When you're sitting awake trying to determine what to watch on TV, browse these quotes to give you inspiration on what to dig into next. Check 'em out!

Quotables for Week Ending January 27, 2017

During a very crowded week, we were treated to some awesome quotes thanks to the returns of TGIT and The CW superhero lineup. Take a look now!

Quotables from Week Ending May 13, 2016

Does it being Friday the 13th mean the quotes are any different? The only way to find out is to scroll through the quotes of the week. Take a look!

Quotables from Week Ending May 6, 2016

Can you believe it's the first week of May already? The quotes are still rolling. We have some great ones from season finales already, so take a look!

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
