13 Similar TV Ships You Should Take for a Sail

Did you just finish a series? Are you looking for a new ship to ruin your life? Don't worry! We put together an "If you ship this, you'll probably ship that!"

21 Most Memorable Twins on TV

Hollywood has a bit of an obsession with twins, but sometimes, seeing double isn't necessarily a bad thing. Take a look at some of our favorite twin duos on TV.

17 Seemingly Romantic Gestures that Fell Flat

Not all romantic gestures cause fireworks. Some inspire dread, horror, boredom and make us wonder how could anyone think these were expressions of true love?

Riverdale Season 3 Midseason Report: Best Couple, Most Improved Villain & More!

Riverdale Season 3 is taking a winter holiday break until its return on January 16, 2019. We decided to look back at what worked and what didn't. Read on to find out!

15 WTF Moments from 2018

Even our favorite TV shows can make us question what the powers that be were thinking. Here are 15 decisions from 2018 that were totally uncalled for.

13 Characters Who Melt at the Sight of Their Love

Don't you just love those characters who can't help but melt around one specific person? No matter how collected they act around everyone else? They're absolute goners!

27 Most Annoying TV Characters of 2018

Not every character hit a high note during 2018. We take a look back on all the TV characters who left us annoyed and frustrated. Did yours make the list?

13 Stuttering Shows That Made A Comeback In 2018

Sometimes the right combination of actors and storylines come together and series that had been struggling find a new wind. That's what happened for these shows in 2018.

27 Internet Girlfriends You Should Still Be Crushing On

Sometimes you just need to celebrate the best girlfriends that television has given the internet. Here is a collection of the characters you should still be obsessed with.

17 Most Shocking TV Family Secrets of 2018

Two thousand eighteen had no shortage of drama for TV families, and the things we learned often left us reeling. So let's look back and feel the shock all over again.

21 Breakout Characters of 2018

We are taking a look at the biggest breakout characters from 2018. Who stood out among the rest this year? Check out our list and see if you agree!

13 Characters In Need of a Christmas Miracle

Christmas is the season of miracles! Some characters have been down on their luck all season long, and we've chosen a baker's dozen for a little help.

Riverdale Quotes

Alice: These diaries are your past, and your past is crushing you. Edgar says that...
Betty: What, Mom? What does some guru who’s running a heaven’s gate commune for pregnant runaways and wives of serial killers have to say about my diaries?
Alice: We know that you look down on the Farm, Betty. But, Edgar has done nothing but help me. He’s encouraged me to embrace everything that I was ashamed of and become the best version of myself.

Betty: You should be writing about the real story. What happened to Jason? Who was holding him captive? Why was he frozen? And who shot that gun on July 4?
Mrs. Cooper: Yes, well if you're so keen on reporting, then why don't you come work with your father and me? The Register could really use a Lois Lane type like you.