23 TV Moms We Love to Hate

Skip the Mother's Day cards for this group of the most selfish, manipulative and overbearing TV moms we love to hate. It's a year-round endeavor!

17 TV Women Proving Motherhood is Sexy as Hell-o!!

Becoming a mother has done nothing to slow down these women. They've retained their unique identities, strength, and sex appeal while raising cool kids.

31 Best Shows of 2017 You're Not Watching!

If you aren't watching these hidden gems, you most certainly are missing out! These underappreciated shows need a little love, too. Check out our list of them inside!

18 Catchy Tunes that Dominated TV in 2017!!

Music is a significant part of the TV experience. What are some of the catchy songs that are so good that they played on multiple TV shows this year? Find out inside!

22 Times TV Made Us Grin From Ear to Ear

Is there anything better than watching TV with a big ol' smile on your face? Yeah, we don't think so either. Here's a roundup of recent times we couldn't stop grinning.

16 Jaw-Droppers That Left Us Speechless

We're taking a look at some of the most shocking moments of television from 2017. Find out what made our list and then add your own jaw-droppers!

27 Marvelous Men of Summer TV

The sun is shining and there are glorious guys all over the small screen. Find out who we're looking at this summer on different shows across the dial!

24 Hot Women of Summer TV

It's hot, hot, hot in the summer months and the small screen is loaded with women to make temperatures soar. We've hand-picked some for you inside!

Quotables for Week Ending December 2, 2016

This was a great week for quotes, as viewers fell hard for some from Gilmore Girls, Westworld, the DC Crossover Event and Code Black. We have them all here!

Quotables for Week Ending October 7, 2016

What were the best lines of the first week of October? Scroll through our slideshow and find out! Did your favorites make the list?

Queen Sugar Quotes

Reporter: How has sharing the truth with the world impacted you and your family?
Nova: The truth can be difficult to face sometimes but on the other side of that confrontation is healing and healing takes time.

I’d rather be betrayed by one of them than by one of my own.
