23 "Epic Loves" That are Epic Fails

Relationships aren't always as beautiful as they may seem. Check out 23 "epic" couples who never should've been together in the first place!

13 Gay, Female TV Characters that are Great Role Models

As being gay is quickly becoming normalized on TV, networks have expanded the depiction of various relationships and sexualities. Here's a list of role models we love!

13 Similar TV Ships You Should Take for a Sail

Did you just finish a series? Are you looking for a new ship to ruin your life? Don't worry! We put together an "If you ship this, you'll probably ship that!"

21 Most Memorable Twins on TV

Hollywood has a bit of an obsession with twins, but sometimes, seeing double isn't necessarily a bad thing. Take a look at some of our favorite twin duos on TV.

31 Ships That Took Seasons to Sail

We all love immediate gratification, but when it comes to shipping sometimes it's worth the wait. Check out 31 slow burn ships that took seasons to set sail!

19 Most Inappropriate Relationships In TV History

Not all drama makes for a comfortable experience because these characters have become memorable for how gross their relationships would be in the real world.

11 Couples That Break Up and Make Up and Do It Again!

Which on-again/off-again couples do you love? Which ones do you wish would've called it quits sooner rather than later? Check out 11 couples who just couldn't make up their minds!

23 TV Episodes That Are All Fun And Games

These episodes of television are all about spinning the wheel, taking the card, rolling the dice, and shouting checkmate. The winner takes it all. Are you in?

42 TV Celebrities Who've Spent Time in the Slammer

TV celebrities live a posh lifestyle, but when they mess with the law, they're thrown in the slammer like everyone else. Some are in for hours, and some are in for life.

21 TV Characters Who Could Use A Therapist

October is the mental health awareness month, but our dedication to our beloved yet troubled characters need to be on a daily basis. Is your favorite character a part of the list?

25 TV Breakups That Made Us Question True Love

TV breakups don't always make sense, especially when those couples are examples of successful relationships for us. Which TV breakups made you question true love?

19 Times the Enemy Was Closer Than We Knew

The hidden villain, the sleeper agent, the call that comes from INSIDE the house. Here are 19 baddies who looked so good they were entrusted with EVERYTHING.

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Fine, but we should go talk to Ezra. If he has any information on Varjak, we need to know.


Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
