These Relationships Changed Dramatically from Page to Small Screen

Do you wonder which TV ships were not canon in the books they were based on? Read our list to find out about book relationships that never made it onto their TV adaptations!

17 Endgame 'Ships We Love With Endings We Hate

We may be happy our OTP ended up together, but that doesn't mean we're happy with how it went down. We created a list of 17 ships we love with endings that we hate.

13 Scenes That Really Needed a Taylor Swift Song

Everything is better with a Taylor Swift song, including TV scenes. Check out our list of 13 scenes that would have been better with a Taylor song.

27 Characters Who Have a Secret and Can Keep It

It's human nature to keep secrets and tells lies. Check out our list of TV characters who have mastered the art of keeping a secret or two.

19 Underappreciated Leading Ladies

Don't you hate it when your favorite character doesn't get the love she deserves? We've rounded up 19 underappreciated leading ladies. Do you agree with them?

17 Unpopular Opinions in the TV World

Not all TV shows leave the fanbase in agreement. We've assembled a compilation of some unpopular opinions that may infuriate you. Did we touch a nerve?

17 TV Characters with Killer Style That Gave Us Serious Fashion Envy

Putting together stylish outfits on a daily basis is no easy feat, but these characters make it look like a breeze. Read on to find out who made the cut.

21 TV Couples Threatened by a Parent's Disapproval

If a parent is determined enough, they can get in the way of even the strongest relationships. We created a list of 21 couples who were faced with parental disapproval.

13 Romances Ruined By Age

"Age is just a number," isn't an excuse to root for inappropriate couples. We created a list of 13 ships we couldn't get on board due to an age difference.

27 TV Characters We Consider Master Manipulators

Some characters just know how to play the long game and pull the wool over a mark's eyes! We've compiled a list of 27 characters who we consider to be master manipulators.

23 Couples Who Split for the Sake of Drama

Drama can be used to keep a relationship interesting, but television tends to take it a bit too far. Which of your favorite couples went through a pointless split?

23 Characters Who Came Back From the Dead

What a sad world it would be if all the characters we thought were dead were really dead after all. But TV is a mysterious place where anything can happen.

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Ezra: I'd like to know more about you.
Aria: I'd like to know more about you, too.

Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close.
