27 Most Annoying TV Characters of 2018

Not every character hit a high note during 2018. We take a look back on all the TV characters who left us annoyed and frustrated. Did yours make the list?

19 of the Best Plot Twists of 2018

There's nothing better than a great plot twist that keeps viewers' eyes glued to the screen! TV Fanatic celebrates the best plot twists of 2018!

31 Ships That Took Seasons to Sail

We all love immediate gratification, but when it comes to shipping sometimes it's worth the wait. Check out 31 slow burn ships that took seasons to set sail!

27 TV Characters Who Would Host a Mean Dinner Party

There's nothing like bonding with a friend or TV character over a good meal. We'd love these characters to send us a dinner invitation, pronto!

19 TV Marriage Proposals Where The 2nd (or 3rd) Time Was The Charm

These people obviously really, really wanted to get married, because they did not just propose once, but twice. In some cases, they even proposed three times.

17 TV Characters Who Would Have Made A Killing During Prohibition

When Congress passed the 18th Amendment, bootlegging and speakeasies became America's favorite pastimes. Which TV characters would get in on the fun and profit?

17 Disappointing Season Finales That Still Drive Us Crazy

After tuning in every week to our favorite programs, it sucks to realize we didn't get the ending we needed. Here are the most disappointing season finales!

31 Couples Who Accidentally Fell In Love

Somehow, characters often seem to fall for the person they would least expect. We put together a slideshow of 31 couples who accidentally fell in love!

31 Characters Who Surprised Us With Their Amazing Vocals

We all wished we were one of those people who secretly had a phenomenal singing voice, but we aren't. These 31 characters, on the other hand, would crush you at karaoke!

19 Needless TV Deaths That Made Us Question Everything

Some TV deaths can break our hearts but these ones just left us scratching our heads. Which TV show do you still loathe for pointlessly killing off a character?

21 Characters Who Work Way Too Hard

All TV characters have busy lives. Then there are those who never stop working. We are recognizing 21 characters who are in serious need of a vacation.

17 Times a Character Declared Their Love Without Actually Saying It

Do you prove your love with words or actions? We've created a list of 17 times a character said "I love you," without actually saying the words.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
