24 Brilliant TV Brainiacs

Many things make someone attractive and a brilliant mind is at the top of the list. Check out our list of television's smartest people!

13 Characters Who Kill Absolutely Everyone with Kindness

Who says nice guys finish last?!? Help us decide: Who is the kindest person on television?

15 TV Grandparents We Wish Had Been Ours!

Whether they're perfectly loving or ridiculously snarky, these are the 15 TV grandparents we wish we could call our own.

Quotables for Week Ending September 30, 2016

Another week with more quotable moments. Did your favorite shows hold up the dialogue on the second week of fall television? Find out right here!

Quotables for Week Ending September 23, 2016

It's premiere week! Shows were coming at us left and right and with them all the good quotes. See what your favorite new and tried and true characters had to say.

11 Characters That Surprise Us with Hidden Depths

Check out this slideshow of eleven characters that surprise us, and other characters, with their hidden depths and unanticipated intelligence!

Casting News & Notes: Who's Coming? Who's Going?

A mainstay of any upcoming season is change. Check out some of the casting changes you can expect for your favorite shows and stars for 2016 right here.

23 TV Characters We DEMAND Return for 2016-17

Deceased, moved on, or abruptly left, these characters made their mark on a show they no longer inhabit, and we would like to see them return this season.

23 TV Couples Who Are Just Friends, Okay?!?

The relationships between these men and women were a crux to their shows, but it had nothing to do with romance. These couples were the best of friends.

19 Characters We Want at Our Summer Pool Party!!

Good music, good food, and fun people is what a pool party is all about. Check out which favorite TV characters we'd party with this summer!

11 Beloved Couples Whose 'Ships Sunk

Throw on your sweat pants and grab that pint of double fugde ice cream because it's time to take a look at the relation(ships) that sunk this season! Breaking up is hard to do!

9 Plot Twists That Made Our Head Spin

There were 9 twists on TV this spring that we'll never be able to forget. Find out which shows made the cut and just how far they twisted right now!

NCIS Quotes

Gibbs: You've been saving that one, Mo!
Cabot: You have no idea.

I do love a man in a bow tie.
