27 of the Most Stone-Cold Bitches on TV

There are plenty of women on television who take being a bitch to the next level. They're ruthless, shallow, and sometimes just plain evil. We'll just call them stone-cold.

29 TV Children Who Are Wiser Than Their Years

Prodigies, smart-alecs, urchins, & nobility. Kids will be kids even when it means stepping into some awfully big shoes. Check out these TV kids who taught us a few things

23 Fictional TV Royals For Whom We Would Bend the Knee

It takes more than a pedigree to rule others. We take a look at the titled individuals who have commanded respect or seized power over land, league, or legion.

19 Heroes Who Can Take A Beating

We've put together a list of your favorite characters who can withstand the most vicious pummelling at the hands of others and still not break.

35 Worthy Contenders if Emmy Recognition was Fair!

The Primetime Emmy's are an honor bestowed upon talented actors and exceptional series, but they're often imbalanced. Check out a list of worthy but deprived contenders!

Road-Tripping or Road Rage? 11 Characters We'd Want to Take the Wheel (and 5 We WOULDN'T)

Road trips have the appeal of completely undefined potential. Here are a few characters who could make that adventure a dream come true ... or a real-life nightmare.

The 23 Most Irritating Characters of All Time

There are tons of characters on TV. Some we love, some we hate, and some irritate us so badly we find ourselves screaming at them through the screen. Who fits that bill?

17 Finales That Really KILLED

Finales can be real killer episodes. Here are some of the shows that saw characters exit with finality this season. Which deaths were huge surprises? Sad but expected? Long overdue?

Krypton Quotes

Kal-El. My future grandson. This is the story of the House of El. Our ending has yet to be written. But this is how it began. Ours is a story of sacrifice and triumph. How the House of El led a revolution against tyranny. The story of your family isn't how we died. But how we lived.


Adam: I come from a planet called Earth. A time centuries from now. And I've come here to warn you. Someone from the future is coming to destroy Krypton.
Seg: Okay, right. Why? Why would they do that?
Adam: Because where I'm from, your grandson becomes the greatest hero in the universe. Like, ever. Unless somebody changes things to make sure that he's never born...
Seg: You all right?
Adam: I'm running out of time. Take this. You have to find the fortress. You have to save Superman.