23 TV Characters We DEMAND Return for 2016-17

Deceased, moved on, or abruptly left, these characters made their mark on a show they no longer inhabit, and we would like to see them return this season.

15 Characters Who Might As Well Be Your Mom

There's always that person in the squad who takes on motherly qualities and oversees their fellow friends like baby birds in the nest. Who are they?

10 Season Finales That Failed. Miserably.

TV Fanatics love their season finales... but what about when they fail to deliver? Check out these 10 season finales that fell far short of our expectations.

12 TV Romances That Really Sprung This Spring

Which couples had us swooning this season? Check out our picks for best 'ships on TV and find out! Then be sure to let us know who we missed!

11 Shows That Need an Orphan Black Clone

So many television shows currently on the air could benefit from another strong female character -- Send in one of the Orphan Black clones for instant excellence!

25 Top Network Ratings Darlings from 2015-16 TV Season

The stats are in! What scripted series (nope, we don't care that football was number one) topped the ratings during the 2015-16 season? Find out now!

13 TV Characters Who Have Faded Into Oblivion

These characters are criminally underused. Some have fallen prey to be a plot device for another character's story, while some have all but vanished.

Quotables for Week Ending March 18, 2016

It's the best day of the week! We have quotes. Hold onto your hats, guys, because we have some great one for you. Who won the coveted top four positions?

Quotables for Week Ending March 11, 2016

We're adding a day to this week and moving quotables to Saturday! They snark and wisdom will be just the same. Who said it best this week? Find out!

13 Characters Who Are A Waste Of Air

Some characters on TV are great and then there's the ones who are just a waste of air that suck up the screen. We have a photo gallery for you!

Quotables for Week Ending March 3, 2015

Holy moly! It's March! In like a lion and out like a lamb, so they say. Let's see if the quotes come roaring in even without the help of the Lyon family!

14 TV Flashbacks We'll Never Forget

We're looking at some of the most memorable times TV flashed us back in time! Scroll through our slideshow and let us know which were your favorites!