19 Relationships That Were Ruined By Infidelity

Cheating happens far too often both on television and in real life. We created a list of 19 relationships that were ruined by the unforgivable deed.

13 Couples Who Need to Get Back Together During the 2019 Fall Season

Did all of your favorite ships make it through the TV season unscathed? Check out 13 of our favorite couples who need to patch things up next season!

23 Best First Kisses of All Time

Not everyone watches TV for the romance, but it sure does make it a lot more fun! We've crafted a list of the 23 best kisses of all time. Did your favorite make the list?

19 TV Show References That Help Us Through Life

Whether it's a reference used throughout seasons or a quick one-timer these have certainly helped us through hard times and have made the funny times funnier.

Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Report Card: Best Glow-Up, Sexiest Couple, & More!

It was the Season of Love and also the season of love triangles during Grey's Anatomy Season 15. Join us inside as we go over the highs and lows of the season!

19 Scenes Elevated by Song Choice

Music can be highly influential in how we feel about scenes and events. Here are some of our favorite scenes that were enhanced by the music choice.

13 TV Dads Who Didn't Live Long Enough To Meet Their Child

Here's to the TV Dads who were never given the opportunity to see their child's first steps, to guide them through life, or watch their kid take on the world.

13 TV Characters Who Never Got a Funeral (And Should Have)

There are some characters who weren't done justice in life or death. Which TV characters' funerals do you wish the audience had gotten to see?

13 Most Fascinating Grey's Anatomy Cases

Grey's Anatomy is known for bringing strong emotions, social justice issues to the forefront of its drama. It also explores fascinating cases, and we explore some here!

19 Characters Whose First Love Was Their Enduring Love

A character usually has multiple love interests throughout the years, but once in a while, they'll end up with the person who started it all.

11 Fake Relationships That Got Real

Time creates affection, and sometimes you have to fake it to make it. We created a list of 11 fake romances that ended up taking a very real turn.

13 Saddest Grey's Anatomy Cases of All Time

Grey's Anatomy is known for its wildly unexpected medical cases, from spontaneous orgasms to various impalings, but the list of emotionally charged and tear-jerking cases is equally abundant.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.