2016 TV Fanatic Awards: All the Winners!!

We have tallied the results and your votes have been counted...the winners may shock and astound you, but it's your voice that set the victors free!

12 Characters Most Deserving of True Love

It's always the season for love, but some television characters can't seem to find it. It's our hope those on this list find their hearts' desire soon!

16 Scenes So Amazing You Had to Watch Them Again ... And Again

Like a boomerang, these scenes keep coming back to us, because we're hitting rewind. They're so good we can't stop watching them over and over.

13 Guilty Pleasures You Can't Help But Watch

They're awful and we love them, but you won't catch us admitting it. They're our guiltiest pleasures. Then again, to some, they're our greatest treasures.

Gotham Quotes

Hit me and then you kiss me.


Lucius: Who, umm, designed the uniforms?
Ms. Peabody: Do you have much training in mental health, Mr. Fox?
Lucius: None at all.