23 TV Characters Who Were Secretly Crushing on Their Friend

Who doesn't love a little pining when it comes to television romances? Check out 23 characters who tried (and usually failed) to keep their feelings on the down low.

17 TV Couples Who Shouldn't Have Been Endgame

The show may have ended, but odds are, you're probably still not over it. Which television couples do you think shouldn't have ended up together?

13 Confessions of Love That Ended in Rejection

Making your feelings known is always a risk, and sometimes it's worth taking a chance. However, there are those times when you don't get the answer you were hoping for.

13 TV Couples That Got Together Too Soon

You know what they say, "the candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long." We have to agree. What television couples do you wish had more buildup?

23 TV Episodes To Watch While Planning Your Spring Break

Spring break -- whoo! Everyone should be living it up during this time of the year. Watch these TV episodes and you'll definitely know where to go and what to do.

17 TV Friendships That Turned Romantic Over Time

Getting to see TV friendships grow over time into something romantic is an underrated trope that deserves more love because of how adorable the journey always is.

Love Hurts: 25 Obsessive Love Stories on TV

Love is not always love... especially not when it comes to obsessive love. We've put together of some of the most obsessive love stories which range from codependency to stalking to full on murder.

19 Seemingly Cute Couples that Went Downhill

They may have started out cute, but sometimes even the best things in life can get old. What are some couples you used to love but now just can't stand?

31 Friendships That Weren't Ruined by Love Triangles

When it comes to television, the dreaded love triangle can easily tear even the closest characters apart. Which friendships are you glad survived the drama?

11 of the Best Valentine's Day Gestures on TV

Valentine's Day is here and love is in the air! We put together a list of 11 of the greatest, funniest, and most romantic Valentine's Day gestures on television!

17 Toxic Male Characters TV Tried to Disguise

It's all too easy to overlook the bad things male characters do on television when it's for the "right reasons." But does that make it okay? We think the answer is no.

33 Couples Who Were Robbed of Their Endgame

We all have at least one couple that we know should've ended up together but their shows just did them dirty. Let's all be bitter together. Who was yours?

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.