23 Couples Who Kept Their Relationship On the DL

Usually, there's a good reason for a TV couple not to go public with their relationship. Check out 23 couples who kept their love on the down-low!

19 Characters Whose First Love Was Their Enduring Love

A character usually has multiple love interests throughout the years, but once in a while, they'll end up with the person who started it all.

17 Quickie Weddings Done in the Name of Love

These TV characters say, "Screw it, I'm tired of waiting, and I'm not living another moment without the one I love. We need to be married now!"

21 Complicated Mother/Daughter Relationships from the Last 15 Years

Mothers and daughters will always have complicated relationships, but some are more complicated than others. We've got several from the last 15 years for your enjoyment!

17 Times Actors Were Replaced Mid-Series

Don't recognize that character anymore? There may be a reason for that. They've been replaced. Check out our list for actors replaced midway through a series.

23 TV Episodes To Watch While Planning Your Spring Break

Spring break -- whoo! Everyone should be living it up during this time of the year. Watch these TV episodes and you'll definitely know where to go and what to do.

19 Ladies Let Down By Their Own TV Shows

Several fictional TV ladies should be thriving but instead, there seem to be questions about whether their own shows are letting them down along the way.

17 TV Friendships That Turned Romantic Over Time

Getting to see TV friendships grow over time into something romantic is an underrated trope that deserves more love because of how adorable the journey always is.

19 Slowburn TV Ships That Destroyed The Moonlighting Curse

Slowburn ships always run the risk of not being explored or happening too late, and yet there are successful TV ships that prove just how much potential comes from there.

23 Times We Wanted Lovers to Forgive The Unforgivable

Shippers are loyal, supporting their ship through thick and thin. Sometimes, one half of a ship does something truly unforgivable. Yet, we inexplicably find ourselves forgiving as we hope and pray for a reconciliation.

19 of the Best TV Characters to Mend Your Broken Heart

No one gets through life without suffering heartbreak, but these are the TV characters who would drop everything and do anything to make you feel better.

33 Couples Who Were Robbed of Their Endgame

We all have at least one couple that we know should've ended up together but their shows just did them dirty. Let's all be bitter together. Who was yours?

Gilmore Girls Quotes

Lorelai: Hi, Mom.
Emily: Lorelai, my goodness, this is a surprise. Is it Easter already?
Lorelai: (sounding uncomfortable) No, I just, uh, finished up my business class and I thought I would stop by.
Emily: To see me?
Lorelai: Yes.
Emily: Well, isn't that nice. Come in.
Lorelai: Thanks.
(They walk to the living room.)
Lorelai: The place looks great.
Emily: It hasn't changed.
Lorelai: Well, there you go. How are the girls at the bridge club?
Emily: Old.
Lorelai: Well... good.
(Lorelai and Emily sit, opposite to each other)
Emily: You said you were taking a business class?
Lorelai: Yeah, mmhmm, yeah. I'm taking a business class at the college twice a week. I'm sure I told you.
Emily: Well, if you're sure then you must have. (she pauses) Would you like some tea?
Lorelai: I would love some coffee.
Richard: (calling from another room) Emily? I'm home.
Emily: We're in here.
(Richard walks into the living room)
Lorelai: Hi, Dad.
Richard: What is it, Christmas already?

Lorelai: (speaking to Luke) Wow, you look nice. Really nice.
Luke: I had a meeting earlier at the bank. They like collars. You look nice, too.
Lorelai: I had a flagellation to go to.
Luke: So, what'll you have?
Lorelai: Coffee, in a vat.
Rory: I'll have coffee also. And chili fries.
Luke: That's quite a refined palate you got there.
(Luke walks to the counter)
Lorelai: (to Rory) Behold the healing powers of a bath.