19 Scenes Elevated by Song Choice

Music can be highly influential in how we feel about scenes and events. Here are some of our favorite scenes that were enhanced by the music choice.

21 Characters Who Use Sarcasm as a Weapon

Sarcasm can be a cutting rhetorical device, and some characters know just how to use it to there advantage. Here are 13 characters who use sarcasm as a weapon.

Doctor Who: 19 Things We Miss About the Twelfth Doctor

Each actor brings something special to the character of The Doctor, but Twelve brought a distinct flavor all his own. Here are 19 things we miss about the Twelfth Doctor.

23 TV Characters Who Are Magically Delicious

Television is full of delicious characters, but the ones who have magical powers are the tastiest of all. Here are 23 characters who fit the bill.

23 Characters Who Won't Let Go of a Grudge

A compelling character holds a grudge and doesn't let it go. We've rounded up some television characters who have their ax to grind and just won't let it go.

19 TV Funerals That Punched Us In the Gut

The death of your favorite TV character is never easy, and the send-off can feel a bit like putting a bandaid on a bullet hole. Here are a few of the most gut-wrenching TV funerals we've seen.

21 Complicated Mother/Daughter Relationships from the Last 15 Years

Mothers and daughters will always have complicated relationships, but some are more complicated than others. We've got several from the last 15 years for your enjoyment!

Doctor Who: 21 Speeches That Gave Us All the Feels

The Doctor and his mates know how to pull at our heartstrings. We've collected the most heart-wrenching speeches from the Tardis fam and broke down all the feels.

31 of TV's Most Beloved Captains

Kirk, Beckett, Brass. Leaders of valor who value those they stand for make an impression and leave a legacy. Who would YOU follow? Who rallies your courage?

31 'Ship Teases That Were Downright Cruel

We can't always get what we want. And if we do, well let's be honest, there's usually a catch. Which 'ship teases infuriated your shipper heart?

17 Times Actors Were Replaced Mid-Series

Don't recognize that character anymore? There may be a reason for that. They've been replaced. Check out our list for actors replaced midway through a series.

21 Times TV 'Ships Broke Our Hearts

Has your favorite TV couple ever gone through so much angst you felt like you were going through all the pain with them? Here's 21 times it happened to us.

Doctor Who Quotes

You're going to fire me at a planet? That's your plan? You're going to fire me at a planet and expect me to fix it?

Doctor Who

I made you a souffle, but it was too beautiful to live.
