15 TV Characters Whose Gift-Giving Skills Are Definitely Lacking

Holidays, birthdays, graduations... all events where you receive a gift, and while gifts should be appreciated for the thought, sometimes there is none put into the gift.

17 TV Performers We Want on Celebrity Big Brother!!

Celebrity Big Brother is coming to CBS this winter for the first time in the United States! Here's our dream casting with our favorite TV actors!

Fall 2017 Premiere Dates: Set Those DVRs!

When will your favorite fall show return or premiere? Scroll around now and plan all vacations accordingly!

16 Characters We'd Like to See in the Big Brother House

No summer is complete without Big Brother on CBS, so here are 16 characters we'd like to see as houseguests in a fantasy Big Brother season.

13 Shows That Wasted Our Time

In the peak TV era, there are some shows that are not worth wasting your time on. Such as? We're so glad you asked!

13 Ultra Cool TV Moms We Admire

These 13 ultra cool TV moms do things like save the world on a daily basis, but they can also be simple everyday heroes sticking up for their kids.

Renewal Scorecard 2017-18: What Made the Cut?

Did you favorite show land a renewal for the 2017-2018 season? We've rounded up all the renewals at the broadcast networks. Read on for up to the minute updates!

24 Brilliant TV Brainiacs

Many things make someone attractive and a brilliant mind is at the top of the list. Check out our list of television's smartest people!

15 TV Characters in Need of Some Mom Time

Sometimes you just need your mother, right? These characters are in desperate need of "mom time" to fix their attitudes and poor decisions.

17 Women Who Stand Their Ground

Many characters don't stand up for their beliefs, but in male-dominated worlds, these TV ladies stood their ground and believe in themselves.

Quotables for Week Ending April 7, 2017

Hold onto your hats, you guys, because here come the most quotable moments of the week ending April 7, 2017! Be still your beating hearts.

Quotables for Week Ending March 31, 2017

As we said goodbye to two beloved long-running series, check out some of the best-said words on television for the week ending March 31, 2017.