15 TV Grandparents We Wish Had Been Ours!

Whether they're perfectly loving or ridiculously snarky, these are the 15 TV grandparents we wish we could call our own.

15 Shows with Major Behind the Scenes Drama!

Check out these 15 examples of behind the scenes fussing and fighting that left their mark on some of your favorite shows on television.

23 TV Couples Who Are Just Friends, Okay?!?

The relationships between these men and women were a crux to their shows, but it had nothing to do with romance. These couples were the best of friends.

9 Terrible Plot Twists We Didn't Need

Some plot twists on television are just terrible... and make us wonder why we watch the show in question. We've compiled a list of the 9 worst twists on TV!

19 Characters We Want at Our Summer Pool Party!!

Good music, good food, and fun people is what a pool party is all about. Check out which favorite TV characters we'd party with this summer!

11 Beloved Couples Whose 'Ships Sunk

Throw on your sweat pants and grab that pint of double fugde ice cream because it's time to take a look at the relation(ships) that sunk this season! Breaking up is hard to do!

10 Season Finales That Failed. Miserably.

TV Fanatics love their season finales... but what about when they fail to deliver? Check out these 10 season finales that fell far short of our expectations.

14 Heartbreaking Moments that Turned Us to Mush

The finales have hit us really hard this year and we are still feeling the pain! Let's take a look at the moments that broke our hearts and made us reach for the tissues.

13 Canceled Shows We May Mourn Forever

It's that time of year again. Our favorites shows are cancelled or leave the air. What will we do without those characters anymore? It's like a bad break-up.

12 Crazy TV Moments That Left Us Muttering: WTF?!?

Which moments this spring made our jaws drop to the floor? Which ones can we still not believe actually happened? Check out our picks and let us know yours!

13 Best Guest Appearances on TV

You may have seen them elsewhere, but these actors made an impression we won't soon forget. Check out these 13 best guest appearances on TV.

Quotables for Week Ending April 15, 2016

April 15th often gets a bad rap as tax day in the US, but not this year! And ending our quotables on the day makes it even better. Read on for what's in store!

Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
