Quotables for Week Ending February 10, 2017

It's not even spring yet, but the riches of television have fallen upon us. Get a look at the best quotes on TV for the week and find something new to watch now!

13 TV Marriages We Wish Were Ours

Some TV couples are nothing but drama, while others make us believe in wedded bliss. Here are the 13 TV couples whose marriages we wish were ours!

Quotables for Week Ending February 3, 2017

When you're sitting awake trying to determine what to watch on TV, browse these quotes to give you inspiration on what to dig into next. Check 'em out!

Quotables for Week Ending January 27, 2017

During a very crowded week, we were treated to some awesome quotes thanks to the returns of TGIT and The CW superhero lineup. Take a look now!

13 Unforgettable TV Characters Named Jack

From action heroes and the awesome dads to the men who just make us laugh, here are 13 of TV's most memorable characters with the name Jack.

Quotables for Week Ending January 20, 2017

It's not the end of the world as we know it, as we still have some of the most quotable moments of the week, right here for you to read. Enjoy.

Quotables for Week Ending January 13, 2017

Breathe a sigh of relief, my friends, as the most quotable moments are back and better than ever! What's making moves so far in 2017? Read now.

11 TV Couples Who Cursed Their Own Shows

When a TV couple finally gets together, is it time to kiss the series goodbye? Check out this list of couples who might've cursed their own shows!

19 Actors Known for More Than One Iconic TV Role

While some actors can never get past one major TV role, others have been able play two or more iconic characters. These 19 actors have done just that!

15 TV Grandparents We Wish Had Been Ours!

Whether they're perfectly loving or ridiculously snarky, these are the 15 TV grandparents we wish we could call our own.

Fox Cheat Sheet: What Will Be Canceled?

Would Fox really cancel Scream Queens, Pitch and The Exorcist? We have done all the analysis for you. Read on to find out where your favorite Fox shows stand.

11 Characters That Surprise Us with Hidden Depths

Check out this slideshow of eleven characters that surprise us, and other characters, with their hidden depths and unanticipated intelligence!

Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Booth: You sound really squinty right now.
Aubrey: I'm a child of the nineties, you know. Computers are kind of my thing.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones