17 Most Shocking Deaths in American Horror Story

There has been no shortgage of gruesome demises over the course of American Horror Story's five seasons. Here are each of the most surprising deaths!

23 TV Characters We DEMAND Return for 2016-17

Deceased, moved on, or abruptly left, these characters made their mark on a show they no longer inhabit, and we would like to see them return this season.

19 Times Twins Got Too Twisted for TV

Twins and/or doppelgangers... they stir up trouble, don't they? We've compiled a list of our favorite dark, twisty relationships between television's double troubles.

13 Characters Who Simply Don't Have a Clue

There are some characters who are so clueless and annoying we'd love for them to go far, far away. Check out who we'd send on a spaceship to the stars.

12 Creepy Kids Who Make Our Hair Stand on End

Maybe it's their eyes or that creepy little smile, but some kids on TV are just plain scary! Check out our list of kids who freak us out the most!

10 Spring TV Scenes We Need to See Again... and Again

When one watch isn't enough, it's time for a rewind. From Malec and Clexa to silly songs and more, we pick our favorites. Did yours make the cut?

13 Shows That Will Get You Through The Walking Dead Hiatus

The season finale of The Walking Dead has left a gaping hole in your hearts. Here are 13 TV shows that should help you fill the void until season 7.

17 Characters Who Could Use A Nice Dose Of Reality

There are some characters on TV who are very nice and then there are others who just use people for their own personal gain. The latter sort of suck.

17 Characters Who Should Have Stayed Dead

TV has a nasty habit of brining characters back from the dead. In these cases.. we have no idea why.

Quotables for Week Ending January 14, 2016

We're bringing you more quotable moments from your favorite shows, this time from the week ending January 14, 2016. They'll never be repeated, so read and absorb!

19 Shows to Start Streaming... NOW!

You know all those shows you just never got around to watching and now it feels like you never will? Online streaming has made it easier than ever. Look!

Quotables for the Week Ending January 7, 2016

It's a new year and with that comes new quotes! Find out what's popping this first week in January 2016. Who was funny, witty or wise? Read on!

American Horror Story Quotes

There's not going to be a swimming pool, you stupid slut.


I needed to believe that a normal life was possible after Camp Redwood, a glimmer of hope after all that darkness. Your dad was that for me.
