Shadowhunters: 17 Favorite Hugs For Newcomers

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Being a newcomer to the Shadowhunters world means knowing minimal information on the show and the characters.

But that doesn't mean you don't know about how strong and persistent the fandom is.

It is because of the passion that the Shadowhunters fandom showed that this slideshow was born, allowing a newcomer to examine a collection of hugs from the show through a different lens.

Having only seen the first season, that knowledge will assist me in trying to piece together the context for other hugs from Shadowhunters, and how much can be experienced without much information. 

17 Most Awkward TV Hugs

What hugs from the three seasons of Shadowhunters were your favorite so far?

What kind of hugs are you hoping to see in the second half of Shadowhunters Season 3? Watch Shadowhunters online to see all of those below in their natural surroundings.

1. Magnus and Alec

This one is obvious, even without having seen the whole series. The love between Magnus and Alec is quite epic, so it makes sense that their hugs reflect that as well.

2. Jace and Clary

Jace and Clary sound like they had their up and downs, maybe they still have them. But they also seem to be really good at comforting each other which has to be appreciated.

3. Izzy and Clary

The best kind of friendship is filled with support and hugs. Izzy and Clary should definitely date based off this hug but if not, then they are at least really great friends, right?

4. Alec and Izzy

This sibling duo doesn't always look happy, and yet they are here with each other. It is really sweet, even without much context on their relationship as a whole.

5. Clary and Alec

This is a really great hug because of that epic height difference, someone tall hugging someone small tends to leave that lasting impression.

6. Magnus and Alec (again)

These two can't seem to keep their hands off each other in times of comfort, and would we even want them to?

7. Jace and Simon

This is the most awkward of hugs, a sentiment we voiced previously and will continue to do so. How are these two doing with one another now?

8. Jace and Alec

It is really lovely to see two guys embrace each other, two friends allowing the other to experience their emotions instead of trying to push them away.

9. Simon and Clary

There is something so wholesome and sweet about the way these two friends are hugging.

10. Magnus and child

This child is such a mystery, but Magnus is obviously the best human ever. He loves his hugs and he loves sharing that happiness with children, there is nothing more anyone could even ask for.

11. Jace and Clary Again

These two won't let anything stop them from touching each other. It makes sense, it really does.

12. Alec and Izzy (again)

There can never be too many hugs between siblings, especially on a show like Shadowhunters that can out its characters through the wringer.

13. Simon and Izzy

These two are going to get together one day, they have to. Their hug game is so strong that it makes no sense why they aren't together yet, or at least that it the impression that the general public has been given off.

14. Jace and Clary Yet Again

These two are aiming for that most hugs award, and yet they deserve one even better. The support and comfort that they offer each other is so much more meaningful at the end of the day.

15. Alec and Jace (again)

Watching these two comfort each other never gets old, specifically because of how much these two friends care about the other.

16. Aline and Izzy

This doesn't make much sense but it manages to make us feel all warm inside so it has to have done its job really well.

17. Maryse and Magnus

This family moment is unforgettable, it is definitely one of many days to remember. That hug comes off as kind and inviting, which is a bit confusing considering the awkwardness that went on during Shadowhunters Season 1.

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Shadowhunters Quotes

Alec: We've got this.
Isabelle: We've got this?
Alec: It's no problem. We're Lightwoods.

What's done is done. I'm a vampire. You're a shadowhunter. Maybe that's supposed to mean something, but you're still you, and I'm still me. Sort of. Enough, anyway.
