12 Totally Scandalous Moments from Scandal

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Check out our 12 most scandalous moments from the first half of Scandal Season 3.

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1. Fitz Leaks Olivia's Name to the Press

When Olivia's name was leaked as the woman having an affair with the President, speculation swirled about who spilled the beans. With all eyes on Mellie as the culprit, we were shocked to find out that Fitz outed his own mistress. Why? He wanted to free her from the secret and out maneuver the First Lady. Unfortunately, it didn't turn out exactly as he had hoped.

2. Olivia Asks Fitz to Save Jake

Seriously, Liv went to her former lover (the President, who's still crazy about her) to get her most recent lover, Jake out of the deep dark hole where her father is holding him captive. Talk about desperate times...

3. Huck Kills For Command Once Again

Just when we thought he was out...Huck actually has the chance to take out Eli Pope and ends up killing for him instead! Those must be some incredibly powerful triggers they've drilled into Huck's warped brain. That makes us wonder, who else would he kill for Command?

4. Fitz Killed Olivia's Mother

Well, sort of. It was Papa Pope who issued the order to blow a commercial airliner out of the sky but Fitz was the military pilot charged with carrying it out. Little did he know that his future true love's mother was supposedly on board.

5. Big Jerry Rapes Mellie

Before Fitz even ran for Governor, Big Jerry got drunk and raped Mellie. She kept it quiet and used it to control the arrogant, bully. Why? Because she loved Fitz and believed in their future and she knew the truth would ruin him.

6. Quinn Kills

Riding the adrenaline rush of her new found hobby (aka torture), Quinn teamed up with Charlie for a little fun. Little did she realize the plan included having her execute a security guard. And thanks to digital surveillance, Charlie has the proof to hold over her head.

7. Mama Pope Chews Through Her Wrists

Mama Pope chews through her own wrist to escape. Yeah, it was seriously gross and left us wondering if 20 years of imprisonment had driven her mad or was she this crazy before she went in?

8. Huck Tortures Quinn

When Huck realizes that his little protege has taken her training too far, he decides to find out exactly what she's done and teach her a lesson. I really can't blame Quinn for being scared out of her mind of Huck. He stripped her, bound her with duct tape and used a pair of pliers to pull out her teeth. No wonder Charlie's looking like the safer option.

9. Mama Pope's a Terrorist

All of this time Olivia believed that her father was the bad guy. We're not saying he's an angel but it looks like he kept Olivia's mother in lockdown for a reason.

10. James Cheated On Cyrus

When James realized that Cyrus, had set him up to be propositioned by the VP's very much in the closet hubby, we knew there'd be consequences. We just didn't know how severe. Turns out Cyrus' brilliant plan left his marriage in tatters as James was angry enough to actually do the deed with Daniel Douglas.

11. Sally Murders Her Husband

James adultery wasn't the only thing to come of Cyrus's plan to destroy Sally. When the VP saw those photos of her hubby and James, she lost it. The next thing we knew, Daniel Douglas was a corpse on the floor and the Grant campaign had yet another skeleton in its closet.

12. Jake Is Command

As the first half of the season came to a close, B-613 took another crazy turn. Papa Pope was out and Jake was in. Jake ended things with Olivia to head across town and take over the covert organization. Now that Fitz and the head of B-613 seem to be working together, it's anyone's guess what happens next.

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Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
