Scandal Season 4 Episode 11 Photo Gallery

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Scandal Season 4 Episode 11 finds Jake, Huck, and Quinn desperately searching for Olivia while Fitz makes an important announcement from the White House. Check out the photo gallery from "Sanctuary" now.

1. Fitz Addresses The Press - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

At Andrew's demand, Fitz addresses the press on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11. Will he announce a war in order to save Olivia?

2. Presidential Power - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Fitz will use everything in his power to save Olivia. What will the cost be? We'll find out on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11.

3. Preparing For a Press Conference - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Abby and Cyrus prepare for a press conference on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11. What will Fitz have to say during his address?

4. Members of the Press - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Members of the press meet to ask the White House questions on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11. Andrew watches from the back of the room.

5. Abby Addresses The Press - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Abby addresses members of the press on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11. She has to weather the storm without Olivia for guidance.

6. Abby And Cyrus Are Nervous - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Abby and Cyrus look on nervously as Fitz addresses the press on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11. They're about to have a mess to clean up.

7. Worried Fitz - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Fitz looks worried on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11. Will he cave to Andrew's demands in order to save Olivia?

8. Mellie Grant Looks Worried - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Mellie Grant looks worried on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11. Was she in on the plan to kidnap Olivia?

9. Mellie and Elizabeth - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Mellie Grant and Elizabeth North are in cahoots on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11. Does Mellie know what she's gotten herself into?

10. Liz North - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Liz North is a dangerous woman. Mellie has no idea what Liz is capable of.

11. Where's The Black Lady - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

A client shows up at OPA looking for Olivia Pope on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11 but Quinn doesn't know what to tell her.

12. Jake At OPA - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Jake uses OPA as home base to try and find Olivia on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11. Will he, Huck, and Quinn be able to find her?

13. Huck Makes A Point - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Huck tries to make a point about how they might be able to find Olivia on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11.

14. Liz Visits OPA - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Liz North darkens the doors of OPA once again on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11. Is she taunting them or trying to help?

15. Quinn and Jake Talk - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

While Huck works computer magic, Quinn and Jake argue on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11.

16. Jake Means Business - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Jake means business on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11. Liz North shouldn't cross Captain Ballard.

17. Intimidating Liz - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Liz North tries to intimidate Quinn Perkins on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11 but Quinn doesn't scare easily.

18. Quinn And Huck At Work - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Quinn and Huck are hard at work trying to find Olivia on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11. They make a great team, but are they good enough for this challenge?

19. Huck Looks Tired - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Huck looks worried and tired as he stands by the board on Scandal Season 4 Episode 11. This is a tough case to crack.

20. Quinn Is Worried - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Quinn looks worried about Olivia's whereabouts and the difficulties they're having in trying to find her.

21. Determind Jake - Scandal Season 4 Episode 11

Jake is determined to bring Olivia Pope home safely and alive. She is, after all, the woman he loves.

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Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
