Scandal Season 3 Photos

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From Maya Pope's return to the death of beloved characters, tet's take a look at some of the biggest moments from Scandal Season 3!

1. Scandal Season 3 Cast

The Season 3 cast of Scandal. It's going to be a terrific third season.

2. Maya Pope

Mama Pope was dangerous, deranged, and deadly.

3. Fitz's Affair Is Public

Someone leaked Fitz' affair to the press and named Olivia Pope as his mistress.

4. Jake Ballard Becomes Command

Jake Ballard becomes Command, a move that proves difficult for the other man in Olivia's life.

5. Josie Marcus Arrives

Josie Marcus shows up to oppose President Grant in his bid for re-election. She eventually bows out of the running, sending Olivia back to the Grant campaign.

6. Murderer Sally

Sally Langston murders her husband. Cyrus covers it up. She repays his kindness by hiring Leo Bergen to run against Grant.

7. Mellie Has an Affair

Mellie has an affair with Andrew, Fitz' Vice Presidential candidate.

8. Fitz Learns the Truth

Fitz learns that Mellie was raped by Big Jerry.

9. Tragedy for Fitz

While giving a speech, Fitz' son, Jerry Jr., falls ill.

10. RIP James Novak

James Novak is shot to cover up Sally's murderous ways. RIP James!

11. Quinn Goes Dark

After accidentally killing a man, Quinn turns to B613 to find a new home when Huck tells her she can't be a gladiator anymore.

12. Jake

Jake and Olivia's relationship is complicated.

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Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
