Revenge Season 4 Episode 12 Photo Gallery

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Sebastian Pigott (Pacific Rim) brings Lyman Ellis to the Hamptons as the latest guest-star to Revenge Season 4. While David deals with Victoria, Emily and Nolan plan a takedown involving Louise's politician brother. 

Take a look at the Revenge Season 4 Episode 12 photo gallery now!

1. Dapper Dudes - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

No one can out-style Nolan Ross, not even bowtie-wearing Lyman Ellis, who arrives in the Hamptons to deal with his sister's recent publicity.

2. Sebastian Pigott as Lyman Ellis - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

Sebastian Pigott (Pacific Rim) joins Revenge Season 4 as Lyman Ellis, Louise Ellis' brother. He's a politician with skeletons in his closet.

3. Introductions - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

Nolan Ross introduces Emily Thorne to Lyman Ellis on Revenge Season 4 Episode 12. She'll assist Nolan in his takedown plot.

4. Emily Helps Nolan - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

While David is busy dealing with Victoria, Emily is free to help Nolan with his takedown of Lyman Ellis. Everything is better when these two are working together.

5. Nolan Hosts a Dinner Party - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

Nolan invites Lyman Ellis to dinner on Revenge Season 4 Episode 12 and plans a special takedown of his own for Louise's brother.

6. Lovely Louise - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

Louise is looking lovely (and calm) in this photo from Revenge Season 4 Episode 12. That demeanor won't last long!

7. Concerned Nolan - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

Nolan plans his own takedown on Revenge Season 4 Episode 12. He looks very concerned about Louise's well-being here.

8. A Peace Offering - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

Nolan Ross offers Lyman Ellis a peace offering over dinner. Will the politician accept? Probably not.

9. Louise and Lyman - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

Lyman Ellis comes to the Hamptons to get control of his not-quite-sane sister Louise. Will he succeed?

10. Angry Louise - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

Louise looks none to happy to see Emily at the dinner party! Since she thinks Emily killed Daniel, this is marginally understandable, right?

11. Emily Looks Confused - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

Emily looks confused by the behavior at the dinner party. Did Nolan invite her so that Louise could spend the evening yelling at her?

12. Pointing Fingers - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

Louise, who mistakenly believes Victoria to be a good person, blames Emily for Daniel's death and Victoria's sadness. What will happen when Louise opens that envelope?

13. Brother and Sister - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

Is Lyman trying to comfort his sister or control her? Will it be the Ellis siblings against the world for the second have of Revenge Season 4?

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Revenge Quotes

Aiden: Double infinitiy.
Emily: A journey with no end.

Envy can be a powerful motivator.
